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Summer is a season that Tics get worse ?!


I feel my tics are getting a little worse when it's summer now . :-(


I'm taking bonnie's TS-control , but after almost half-a-year , the effect needs to decrease , not so good when I took in the begining . Does anybody else have the same situation ?!


This point may not be related but over the prior two summers we noticed that clorine in a swimming pool would set off my child's tics. I am sure that there are other factors as well but in the past this was a hard time of the year for him.


Also check sun protection lotions for what is inside of them. Some of them contain heavy metals and other unhealthy stuff.




Please understand these are just my own thoughts, and I do not have a lot of experience with the supplements and tests.


My 12 year old son has been taking Bonnie's vitamins since late January, and I would have to say we have seen wonderful results. I tried these vitamins (and am currently continuing them) with the idea of seeing if they would help. Now I am throughly convinced they do. However, after all of the research I have done, I am feeling like a "one vitamin/supplement fits all" is a pretty unlikely thing in the long run. In the beginning, you may have been getting something your body desperatly needed, and seen positive results, and also some things it did'nt need. It could be you need more of just one element, it's just hard to know. Also, without testing, you may be becomming deficient in something else. That is why I am trying so hard to obtain testing for my boys.


Our bodies needs change also, depending on diet, what you may be being exposed to in the environment, all kinds of things.


It has occured to me that Bonnie's vitamin contain no iron, copper, maganease etc.

Maybe this is good; maybe not, it just depends on what the individual requiements/deficiencies are. At max dose, 20 capsules a day, these vitamins contain 20 mg of zinc, some people require more. Just some thoughts.


I'm wondering if you use Bonnie's Mag taurate along with the TS Plus Control, as this is supposed to help during waxing symptoms?




Simon we are doing detox now for at first the diet worked, then the tics came back worse. Then the supplements worked, then the tics came back worse. Then the no TV, no pool, and additional supplements worked, then the tics came back. We decided that everything was just a temporary measure and we had to get to the root of the problem and yank it out. We had our son tested for heavy metals and he had plenty. So now we are detoxing and it seems to be working. Hopefully this time it is a solution and not a temporary measure.


This summer my tics are doing really well especially with all the stress I've had in the past 6 months. Normally my tics get worse during the summer due to all the excitement likes vacations, b-day, etc. Part of that may be allergies too. So if you have any exciting things coming up that may be it too.






I read your wonderful post last night on Braintalk. I was wondering if maybe you could answer a few questions? As above post states, my son is taking

Bonnie's vitamins also. It sounded from your post as if this is something that helped you too. You mentioned that you had vitamin testing. Did you stay on Bonnies's vits. or did you start individual suppplements after you did testing? I was also wondering about the allergy testing. Was this a regular allergist or blood tests through one of the specialty labs, food/environmental or both? Did it help?


I wanted to mention, I have weaned my boys off of clonidine recently. If it's any comfort, I have seen no negative results, that I can tie to it. I felt it helped in the beginning, oldest was able to sleep earlier, but for anything else as in tic reduction, moods, body aches etc. I don't think it did a thing.


Sorry to ask so many questions, but I was so impressed with your post, and wanted to ask you last night, but I did'nt want to jump into the "Hope thread" with all of that.


If your not to busy, sure would like to hear how these things worked for you.






When I first started on vitamins several years ago it was from Bonnie's individual vitamin recomendations. I did try her all in one vitamins a year ago, but found my tics got worse and decided I needed individual vitamins. I had the vitamin testing done through spectracell. Also my local dan doctor does muscle testing for the vitamins every time I see him for osteopathic work to make sure I still need the vitamins I'm taking and to see if any new ones show up. I'm very new to this type of testing, but it seems to be acurate.


For the allergy testing I first got the ELISA/ACT blood test done for delayed sensitives. Then I also had allergy testing for immediate allergies done at an allergist/environmental doctor. They tested me for foods, molds/dust, and pollens. I take allergy shots now. Yes, it did help. I never knew I was allergic to so many different things. I try to avoid those foods as much as I can and have seen better results when I completely avoid them, but that's really hard for me to completely avoid them because of cravings and since I already don't eat a wide variety of foods. When I avoided all the foods I was allergic to I saw tics that were directly related to the foods when I added a food back in. Not a problem about so many questions, I'm happy to answer them.






Thank so much for the reply. You have dealt with so many things I am working on right now, you're a God send.


You mention, few foods in your diet. Have you always been that way, or did you eat normally at a point and then nose dive? My son stopped eating most of a wide variety of foods at about 15 months. Obviously, you wouldn't remember that, but I'm wondering if your Mom would. Mom's don't forget when their babies stop eating.

I have an appt. on the 23rd for both boys with an allergist and am wondering if it's even worth taking them, as their type of testing isn't what seems to be most helpful? Could you describe the type of allergy testing your allergist/environ. Dr. did, was it the rows of injections done in the upper arm? Did they kick up food allergies with that testing? Which one do you think helped more, the Elisa/act or the kind the Allergist did?


I would really love to hear how muscle testing is done.


Have you ever tested, been treated for yeast?


You mentioned detox, in your other post. Could you tell us what type of detox you did?


When ever you have an entire day to answer all of these questions, :wacko: I'm sure there are many here, who would really be interested in your answers. Again, THANK YOU so much.






With the foods I ate everything until the age of 2 and then I wouldn't eat a lot of the foods which were my favorite foods. They are mostly fruits and vegetables that I won't eat and they make me gag. There's also other foods like Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, and other American foods I won't eat. The majority of them I've never tried, but I'm afraid to try them because of the gagging.


My doctor did Optimal Dose Immunotherapy. Heres a website that explains it: http://www.ourlittleplace.com/mitd.html Here's one other website that is very helpful: http://www.ourlittleplace.com/tourette.html


The allergies they came up with this type of testing for me are: Cheese, Chicken, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Corn, Egg, Garlic, Milk, Soybean, Sugar-Cane, Tomato, Wheat, Yeast-Bakers. There moderate allergies. The dust, molds, and pollens that showed up are: Ragweed, S. FL Weeds, S. FL Trees, S.E. Grass, S. FL Grass, House Dust, Dust Mite[F], Dust Mite[P], Histamine, Candida Albicanis, Alternaria, Asperguillus, Hormodendrum, Penicillium, Fusarium, Mucor, and Northern Tree.


The ELISA/ACT testing showed up with: dairy, English Walnuts, PCP, Pistachio, Cauliflower, Silver, Currant, Sage, Spinach, Benzyl Acetate, Grape/Raisin-Red, Carob, Barley, Polysorbate 60. I think the testing that the allergist did came up with more of the allergies. But, I think there both good.


Here's a website that explains the muscle testing: http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/treatments.../AppliedKin.htm


The detox program I've been using is called Medi-Body Pack. They are non-toxic clay and moor mud packs applied externally to draw out deeply embedded toxins, including heavy metals (mercury), dioxin, pentrochemicals, aniline residues (from injected anesthetics) and other toxins. I don't know a lot about these or the muscle testing as its very new to me. So if anyone else has had experience with the muscle testing and this detox program I'd be very interested in hearing about it.






Since the site is just back up, I am now getting to read the links you posted.






Strange about the time frame on deleting foods from diet, don't you think?

I have heard this story over and over. A lot of kids that do this, don't tic, but there must be a common link.


Hi Carolyn,

I, too, am following your posts with great interest. I got a little confused toward the end - which testing do you think showed up the most sensitivities? My husband and I are starting to think about testing for our almost 12 year old daughter and aren't yet sure where we'd like to start. We don't have a doctor to work with yet - still exploring that, too.







Yes, I think its strange about the time frame on deleting foods from diet and how a food that was my favorite food could go to be one that I wouldn't ever eat again and one that makes me gag.




For me I think the Optimal Dose Immunotherapy skin testing showed up with the most sensitivities. I think this would vary on each individual though because some may have more delayed sensitives and some may have more immediate sensitives.




I'm now down to 1 tablet of clonidine a day from origianlly 2 1/2 tablets a day. I'm still doing great and see no increase in tics or higher frustration levels, etc. I was having eye blinking which didn't seem like a tic because it wasn't quick eye blinks. It was eye blinking, but holding my eyes shut for a couple seconds. That has went away now and I think it was probably related to an allergy food I ate. I have about 2 more months before I'll be off of the clonidine fully, but I'm really hoping that it will all go smoothly like it has so far and I can be med free.



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