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I just wrote a LONG post and LOST it all so I don't want to re-write everything. In short, our new neurologist ordered blood test for ceruloplasmin levels to rule out Wilson's Disease. Get this: On MRI, the tell tale sign on image of the brain section is that of "face of the giant panda!" I kid you not.


Anyway, Wilson's Disease is caused by the accumulation of copper and deposition of copper in the brain. It comes with liver problems. I don't think this is my son. But she wants to rule it out.


Look it up- something else to think about (not that we really need more...)


This was one of the tests ordered by Dr Trifiletti when we were pursuing my DS's PANDAS diagnosis. My son's came back perfectly normal but it needs to be ruled out.


What a weird coincidence about the face of the panda!


When our dd was in extreme exacerbation and we took her to a FAMOUS children's hospital Wilson's disease was the diagnosis of choice for the pediatric neurologist on call. He was vehemently against the oncept of PANDAS...odd that he chose a disease that looks like a panda in an MRI. That's the first time I could giggle about that experience, thank you, I needed that.


from Michigan

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