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Hi all,


I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place.


Our resume:

13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement.


10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week.


10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability.


1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol


Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive)


We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc?





Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Hello and welcome!


I've been away from the forum until today (just posted something about elimination diets this morning), and I saw your post from early March. I used to post on the PANDAS and Lyme forums when I thought my DS11 might have those conditions. I've read about so many possibilities for DS11: PANDAS, Lyme and Lyme co-infections, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, ADHD, dangerous food colorings/additives/preservatives, psychiatric conditions, leaky gut syndrome, serotonin deficiency, hormonal imbalances, Candida yeast overgrowth, adrenal fatigue, phenol overload, food intolerance/allergies, etc. You name it, I've surely read about it!


From what you posted, I certainly cannot diagnose what is going on for your kids, but my best advice is this: try an elimination diet and keep a food diary. Recording daily meals even before the diet is good. The risk is non-existent because your kids will still be eating, and the potential for good results is very high if specific foods are the root of their problems. It takes an average of 5-7 days (sometimes more) to clear the body of antigens aimed at anything considered "foreign." I've even read that sometimes kids have a herx type reaction, but my DS11 didn't. If you start this at a younger age, I think they have less built up in their systems, so it gets cleared out quicker.


Some people start with foods their kids eat a lot of and/or crave frequently. The most common foods that cause issues are wheat, soy, gluten (including wheat, barley, rye), eggs, sugar, citrus, corn, chocolate, bananas, meat, potatoes, and the list goes on. Over time my DS11 narrowed his diet down to pizza and milk, so we started with dairy and gluten. Later I discovered he's got a long history of symptoms related to dairy intolerance. Keep in mind that it is extremely rare for a person to be intolerant to only one food; typically, they are intolerant to at least 2 or more foods. This is why we're working on gluten, too.


It's also very important to go organic if you can (you never know what they put in something non-organic), and removing additives/colorings/preservatives is a must. I know you mentioned the money factor, but I spent more money (and time) on doctors who did nothing than I have on foods that have improved my son's health long-term.


I also encourage you to go on an elimination diet yourself along with your kids. Food intolerance can be inherited. I did a practice elimination diet on myself to test the quality and taste of foods before giving them to my DS11, and to my surprise, I found that I cannot have meat, sugar, dairy, corn, or citrus. I feel SO much better now - and I didn't even realize I was feeling bad!


If you don't go with the diet, I still think you can get a lot of benefit from keeping a food diary (plus recording frequency and severity of symptoms). We started that way and discovered so many patterns that were hidden. Then we built from there to doing the elimination diet. I wish someone had mentioned food intolerance to me before (which is why I'm mentioning it to you now). It would have saved us so much heartache and a year's worth of unnecessary worry, daily stress, and doctor's visits. Even if food issues ultimately aren't causing your kids' problems, I would consider it irresponsible of me not to suggest it to you so early on.


Best wishes,

Angela (SearchingMom)

Edited by SearchingMom
  • 1 month later...

Hi DandV


There is a lot of good information on the tourettes/tics forum.


I can tell you that my son (9 1/2 years) who was diagnosed with tourettes about a year ago has benefitted greatly from Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil. His tics have decreased by literally about 90%. (FYI though, they were never severe to begin with) And his teacher did speak of a mild improvement in his attention.


It should be mentioned that some people with tourettes (don't know that your son has tourettes, but nevertheless) react badly to fish oil. But it's really about the Omega 3s. So if fish oil backfires, you can try flax seed oil or perhaps krill oil.


I wish you and your family the best.








Hi all,


I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place.


Our resume:

13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement.


10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week.


10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability.


1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol


Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive)


We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc?





Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD

  • 6 months later...

Hello. I am typically on the PANDAS forum for my 6-year-old DS, but I wandered onto the ADHD forum since that is a huge PANDAS symptom for us. When I saw your post, I remembered that I saw an article describing how a bath in EPSOM salts relaxes the nerves and really helps children with tics. My son only has minimal tics and I haven't tried this yet, but I'm going to combine it with his other supplements and meds. I think it is also mentioned on the Tourette's forum.


Hang in there!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


Our son was diagnosed with PANDAS this past summer by two doctors. I am still not 100% convinced it's PANDAS, but I can't take the chance and are treating him accordingly.


I keep reading about kids having reactions to fish oil and would like to know "what reactions" they are. We have had our son on fish oil for over 1 year and even before this whold Pandas/tic disorder started, but because of the PANDAS dx, I am afraid to discontinue. However, I have to wonder if this is causing it's own behavior problems.




Hi DandV


There is a lot of good information on the tourettes/tics forum.


I can tell you that my son (9 1/2 years) who was diagnosed with tourettes about a year ago has benefitted greatly from Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil. His tics have decreased by literally about 90%. (FYI though, they were never severe to begin with) And his teacher did speak of a mild improvement in his attention.


It should be mentioned that some people with tourettes (don't know that your son has tourettes, but nevertheless) react badly to fish oil. But it's really about the Omega 3s. So if fish oil backfires, you can try flax seed oil or perhaps krill oil.


I wish you and your family the best.








Hi all,


I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place.


Our resume:

13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement.


10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week.


10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability.


1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol


Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive)


We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc?





Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD


We too have read about all the different things it could be, (Lyme-of which I've had for years even before I was pregnant with him), food allergies, environmental, PANDAS, Tics, Tourettes, you name it, we've read about it! It's so frustrating and confusing to try to figure out what is causing what!


I am not sure of what is causing what right now. I have doubts, but then I go back to he got a Tic disorder and strep infection right at the same time so then I think it is PANDAS. He is not/was not as severe as others I have read about.He is still having behavior issues though. Back on Feingold 100% on January 1st!

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