Caz Posted April 28, 2005 Report Posted April 28, 2005 Without wanting to be controversial, and I certainly dont want to get anyone's back up - I know there have been discussions here before with reference to Tourette's and whether or not it is on the autism spectrum of disorders, but I found something said at the recent DAN conference on Autism interesting. I did get this second/third/fourth hand, from someone who was there, and kindly posted their notes on another forum that I read. They were saying that as kids recover from autism using chelation and other methods, it is not uncommon for them to have a "busstop" at a diagnosis of Tourette's, ADHD or OCD. I am still trying to ascertain which speaker it was that said this, and then get a transcript of their presentation, but it leaves you to wonder doesn't it, if as the autism symptoms leave, for a short while they have these syptoms whilst still recovering, and that then these symptoms too disappear as they head towards full recovery. Caz
Andy Posted April 28, 2005 Report Posted April 28, 2005 My readings of the DAN doctors papers and speeches is that they are leaning towards Tourette's, ADHD and OCD as being part of the autisum spectrum of behaviors but at the lower end of severity. Now with mainstream medicine, they look at you for five minutes, look in their book for 5 minutes and label so they could prescribe. At least that is how I look at it.
Andy Posted April 28, 2005 Report Posted April 28, 2005 Caz, I should also state if you look at the blood, urine, and stool results of many TS labeled children that were tested you will see that many of them have the same vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficencys as autism kids who were tested have and alot of them have the same food allergies/leaky gut/yeast issues that the autism kids have as well. I am glad that you brought up that point for it leads one to believe that TS like autism may be an induced condition. Lets face it Coal burning factories produce mercury and that is around the time that TS showed up and mercury in vacination shots were introduced a few years before autism showed up and if you look at the medical list of mercury poisoining you will see the same symptoms shown that fall under TS and autism. Based upon that one would think that there is a connection and that is why I sought out a DAN doctor. I only wished I did it the first time I saw someone here post about a DAN doctor around two years ago.
Andy Posted April 28, 2005 Report Posted April 28, 2005 One other note, it has been shown that mercury levels in the mother can be passed on to some extent to the child. This might be part of that so called family link. As you can tell by now I hate the labels of TS, Autism, etc. I feel metal poisoning would be more accurate and informative.
Claire Posted April 28, 2005 Report Posted April 28, 2005 Caz, That is soooo great to hear! It isn't even a matter of whether or not TS/tics/OCD/ADHD are on the spectrum or not that is so exciting about this... ...what matters is that IF these doctors now expand their sights to include TS/tic/OCD etc... then the knowledge base on treating these disorders from an immune standpoint will be tremendously expanded and discussed in the only current medical group that seems to be formally looking at immune-induced neurological issues. That has got to be the best news I have heard in a long time. I personally think this gives it much more potential to be far a reaching and practical diagnostic and treatment protocol for tic syndromes someday. Thanks for sharing! Claire ps I like Andy's 'label' of 'mercury-poisoning' (for many of us anyway). This is how I communicate my son's issues--seems to get the most acceptance without skepticism or stigma.
GL_Lmom Posted April 29, 2005 Report Posted April 29, 2005 This certainly is good news for the future of ts treatment! A question for any one with a theory: If autistic children who are successfully treated may hit a "busstop" with a diagnosis of ts, then what about a very young child who starts showing ts symptoms? Does anyone know if this could proceed to austism, if ignored? My posts here are usually in regard to my 9 year old, but his 3 year old brother occasionally blinks and hums. I really don't want to do anything at this point other than avoid metals, if I can and monitor diet and screen time. Any thoughts?
Claire Posted April 29, 2005 Report Posted April 29, 2005 GL&L, Right now I would look at both TS and ASD disorders as neurological symptoms of immune issues. The same immune issues may cause either one. I would personally not be concerned about the blinking and humming 'leading' to autism someday. I have yet to read a story of autism that started with "my child started with tics and progressed to autism". We all have enough to worry about without adding that one to our list. I would be more concerned that my child might ultimately have the issues more commonly associated with Tics/TS, such OCD and ADHD, and some of the moodiness people have commented on. Those have their own set of challenges for the child that go well beyond the tics. Given most DAN doctors already put ADHD on the ASD spectrum, I wonder whether children who have ADHD with tics are even more likely than others to have an immune origin, but I am only wondering. Having read that thimerisol is still used in vaccines, I would make 1000% (!) percent sure that no future vaccines had thimerisol in them, and split the MMR. And I would check with your doctor for the vaccines your 3 year old had. You can get the lot number of the vaccine and check it out on the internet (someone here, maybe Andy?, posted a link). And I personally think that over time we may find that children of this era (thimerisol in vaccines) with tics for more than a few months time should have antioxidant/metals testing (beyond a hair test). I didn't used to think this. But if the metals are there, they can build and we can all continue to jump through hoops indefinitely with diet and trigger avoidance or we can try to get rid of the poison. If there is no issue there, I suspect bringing the child's system back in balance would be much easier. But time will tell. Claire
kim Posted April 29, 2005 Report Posted April 29, 2005 Claire, I was reading on the enzyme board that you can order the hair test for metals yourself, through direct labs. They said if you type in "please apply special pricing for Autism group" under special instructions-the test is only $69.00. We have already discussed the hair test showing if heavy metals are present and being excreted, at least to some degree, but a negative result not necessarily meaning they(metals) aren't present in tissue, and not being excreted-thus being false negative. I'm thinking of what Andy said on another thread about getting Dr. to bill tests for mercury poisioning. If you had a positive hair anaylsis, it seems to me you may be able to get referrals, and at least get the main stream Dr.s attention, not to mention helping with billing. The poster did'nt say if a Dr. signature was required. My oldest son has been taking Bonnies's viamins and flaxseed/borage and I have seen results. I'm wondering if he might be excreting at least somewhat, if present. Since youngest son isn't on anything but a multi, I suspect he would be less likely to show anything. If you or anyone has done this with/without a Dr. signature, I would really appreciate knowing how it worked out. Kim
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