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He's had a fever since Monday evening. Yesterday it went slightly over 104! Today, it is down to 101-102, but he developed a red conjuctiva- which scares me, as that is his bad eye and there's lots of inflammation there. Mostly in the corner, but his eyes are bloodshot, which I know can happen with fever. When would you be worried about it? There is no pain. Just red. What's it from? He's only on azithromycin, but I have been giving vitamins and he had one big dose of zinc last night only.




NO... not something else to worry about! Strep was at school according to school staff who called me today. So, maybe. But doc says influenza A and B are going around. How would I know??? He's been on azithromycin, so not likely strep, is it?


Thanks for saying "hello" but I don't live in Palos Verdes anymore. We moved up to central coast (san luis obispo area) last July. Hubby is still down in LA- long story...


Thanks for mentioning Kawasaki. Do older kids get that too?





Whenever my son use to get a pandas flare,his eyes would get bloodshot red. I always wondered about this. This does not happen anymore since he has been on an antibiotic. The theory at the time was that it was possibly a migraine headache causing the bloodshot eyes. I don't know about that but he would curl up in a ball and seemed to be in pain. He would also during this time have no control over his bladder.


My DS starting getting extremely red eyes back in the spring which coincided w/ an exacerbation (before we knew PANDAS). First, the ped said a virus. Two weeks later, it came back. She changed her mind and said allergies. She prescribed Patanol(an allergy drop) for his eyes and it clears it up. Currently, he's been having red eye issues for several weeks. I can't stop the drops w/out the redness immediately coming back. When his eyes are red, he has absolutely no other symptoms of allergy. No sneezing, no runny nose and his eyes do not get watery, just bright red.


Do I need to say it freaks the school out because they are so pink eye sensitive? UGH.


Yup, both A and B are circulating here, and I think a good % of the school has it. This is DAY 5 of fever!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, down to 100.



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