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My daughter's hair test came back with very high copper and high silver, nickel and uranium. Very low lithium. Anyone have any experience with these results? She is 11 and was diagnosed with TS and mild depression and shows signs of ADD and OCD. Her tics are mostly facial tics. I appreciate any advise. I have taken her off of dairy, artificial dyes and sugar(as much as possible).


Thanks so much!




Hi Lisa


someone with expert knowledge would be best at responding to your question re the copper and silver, especially as they could be entering your son's system from such a wide variety of sources.


I have 2 things for you to think about re uranium and lithium


I have recently discovered that some red pottery, china etc has high uranium levels. For example red Fiesta by Homer Laughlin is very high in uranium. It is also possible that imported pottery and china may have higher radioactivity content. Also some glassware (especially Vaseline glass and other pale green glassware, particularly from the pre 1940s but also being imported today) has very high uranium levels.

Uranium levels may also be high for other reasons and you would need to try to find the source in order to understand why it is high in your son


Lithium is frequently deficient in BiPolar/manic depressive disorders. this doesnt mean that your child has these disorders so please dont panic, but it could in some way be causing the depression and OCD symptoms.


Thank you for your response. We are going to be going to a doctor that our friend went to. He was treated for Mercury. I was just wondering if anyone else had dealt with it. Thanks again!!

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