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Any experience with Grapefruit seed extract? Our LLMD wants to do this instead of Tindamax, or at least to bust up biofilms. Our son will be doing his second IVIG since starting TBD tx. He had his 3rd HD one 3 weeks ago and will have .75g/kg in a week. I'll report on his progress in another posting. I think this is a kinder/gentler approach. Just seeing if there are any grapefruit seed extract experiences out there. Dawn


grapeFRUIT seed extract can interact negatively with some medications so do check on that




ps I have noticed many people seem to confuse grapeFRUIT seed extract with grape seed extract (first is from the citrus grapefruit, 2nd from the seeds of grapes) so also just wanted to mention the difference for anyone reading.


I do not know much about Grapefruit Seed Extract. But we will also be addressing biofilms in our older son in 4 weeks with a product called Interfase via Klaire Labs.


We are also going to pulse Tindamax now for myself: 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off.


Look forward to a more detailed update.




We started gse two weeks ago. Definitely something going on. We present mainly with tics so its been easy to see symptom change. When first started, symptoms seem to calm alittle. But its a bit rocky right now. I assume its herx. Its gets nerve racking to stay the course.


How long is your course of gse? I just added zith back in so we shall see. Kathy


No experience here, but I've been wondering about it myself. I just finished reading "The Cure Unknown" and she writes about GSE being able to kill Bb cysts in a test tube. I wonder if it could also kill cysts in the body?


I kind of think that is the doc's thinking in doing this for the time being instead of Tindamax. We are doing quite well with the IVIG and his experience w/ Mepron was pretty hard. Taking it slow and steady right now so as to keep him moving forward. We have been at this type of stage b4, only w/o the lyme tx. Perhaps Tindamax will be added later. Dawn


Just rereading notes from this ILADS conference and Dr. Horowitz mentioned the following.


'Grapefruit Seed Extract can be an effective cyst buster'


It's always nice to have supportive information plus know there is an alternative to antibiotics. I'd like to know your perspective once you are further into treatment. I know we had a good herx from the Olive Leaf Extract we are using currently for a viral protocol.



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