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Safe Sprays


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I have a small patch of some kind of weird grass and no one knows what exactly it is, but I need to get rid of it because I think that's where the flea problem got started from with my dog last year. What do you suggest to use to get rid of it. It can't have any pentachlorophenol (pcp) in it, it needs to be safe for dogs, and also something that won't increase tics. Also what do you think of roundup?



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Hi Carolyn

I honestly dont think that ANY regular herbicides are safe for humans or animals!

The best and safest way to get rid of that grass is to dig it up


As to fleas.......there is a great natural way to get rid of them that also smells delightful and you can either grow it yourself and just rub the leaves and flowers on your pet or strew them around the house , or you can buy the concentrate at the health store and mix it with water in a spray bottle. (a few drops is usually enough)


It is PENNYROYAL a member of the mint family. I have pots of it growing outside and have been using it with great success against fleas and other pests for years.



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Hi Carolyn,


I agree that you should avoid the chemicals if at all possible. My suggestion is to pour boiling water on the area. I was getting a lot of ant hills around my house and didn't want to end up with them inside my house again, and didn't want to spray chemicals, so someone suggested pouring boiling water on them. It seemed to work, but of course it killed the grass too. I had to replant patches, but it seemed better than the alternative. I also read that spraying vinegar on weeds will kill them, but I don't know how it would work on an area of grass.

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