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Oh, wanted to note that a doc told us that if the swab is not done properly... makes no difference if it's positive or negative... may show false negative because of a poor swab - including cultures - said those are about 95% accurate.


Kbossman1 ~ Sounds exactly like my situation! So strange... I wonder if that's the "old bacteria" part. I've always wondered if I just have some weird chronic GABHs (ALWAYS that kind! ALWAYS. My ped was amazed) infection that used to come & go with the constant positive tests & subsequent antibiotics, but when I stopped going to the pediatrician as often it was allowed to fester, get old, & stop making that stupid enzyme. I mean, seriously. There's no telling how long it's been hiding out in my throat at this point. I have been BAD off since November & I even mentioned my Mom & Grandma getting unexplained strep. When someone in the fam gets strep, we just kind of assume it's my fault. I'm glad my pediatrician is like that too!


TamisTwins ~ Same here! I'd go to the doctor... Test positive. Get some antibiotics. Come back. Test positive. What does that mean?! I thought that was all in the past but I know it's not now. Did you ever get any answers?


BrownEyesMom ~ It's good to have those little markers! I've always known it's time to get a test whenever my emotions go haywire. I mean, at fifteen my emotions are always pretty out of wack but when I have strep it's just astronomical. I'm glad I know to look for these little white bumps now though! A little more reliable, haha.



The antibiotics probably werent strong enough to eradicate the infection. Some strep strains are more stubborn o r possibly resistant to certain antibiotics. The doc treated him with antibiotic used for strep carriers. I can't recall which one. Maybe cefzil.


Kbossman1 ~ Sounds exactly like my situation! So strange... I wonder if that's the "old bacteria" part. I've always wondered if I just have some weird chronic GABHs (ALWAYS that kind! ALWAYS. My ped was amazed) infection that used to come & go with the constant positive tests & subsequent antibiotics, but when I stopped going to the pediatrician as often it was allowed to fester, get old, & stop making that stupid enzyme. I mean, seriously. There's no telling how long it's been hiding out in my throat at this point. I have been BAD off since November & I even mentioned my Mom & Grandma getting unexplained strep. When someone in the fam gets strep, we just kind of assume it's my fault. I'm glad my pediatrician is like that too!


It's been the craziest thing, and it's not just me either. I happen to babysit 2 sibblings that always turn out positive for strep everytime my kids do. There have been at least 10 occations where I would tell their mother that my kids had it, and they would both have it too. Luckily their mom will take them to be tested immediately to make sure. Well, the little boy who is 5 gets a little "off" when he has strep. (I firmly believe that he will be a pandas child) He actually stops swallowing all together and spits and drools when he has strep. He refused to eat, drink, swallow....anything. Then he has a throat clearing tick for a month or so afterward. Mom has taken him to the dr and asked about Tourettes, allergies....what makes this tic come and go. The drs have treated him for asthma, allergies....nothing works. But sure enough, after he's been without strep for a while....the tic subsides....until the next round. Last Friday (Jan. 14th) He told me that his throat hurt and by that afternoon he was drooling and spitting into the trashcan. I looked at his throat....and I KNEW it was strep. I met his mom at urgent care....but the test was negative.

Just the week before, my non pandas dd6 had the breath.....and a low grade fever, and I took her to urgent care, but the test was negative....next day we were in the ER with a full blown panic attack ( YIKES). Anyways....my point is that I REALLY KNOW we've had strep, but for some reason ever since September....the tests keep coming up negative! The little boy's mom that I babysit for has been just as baffled and confused as I have.....you just know, but all of the sudden the validation that used to be there to keep you going is gone. What is going on???? I've said it before....Am I being Punked?? :unsure:


Yes, it's good to have the markers, but honestly, when I see behavior that looks like PANDAS, that's what leads me to get out my penlight and take a look! ;) Last time she got the strawberry tongue of scarlet fever... SHE brought it to MY attention... oh, what the kids have to know at 11 years of age with this!

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