ntbowen Posted March 18, 2005 Report Posted March 18, 2005 We finally have received our test results for heavy metals an organic acids from The Great Plains lab. Hair test from Doctor's Data: High: High aluminum Antimony High Arsenic high Bismuth high Silver high Tin high Sodium high Potassium high Low: Magnesium low Zinc Low Iron Low Manganese Low Cobalt low Selenium low Organic Acid Profile(The Great Plains Laboratory) Elevated yeast metabolites Increased HPHPA, a metabolite of tyrosine Increased Citric Elevated HVA Low vitamin C Low Pantothenic Acid Elevated Hippuric Urine Amino Acid High Creatinine EXTREMELY HIGH Ammonia (what does this mean????) High Argenine Low Lysine Low Taurine Low Proline Low Cystathionine Low Alpha-amino-N-butyrate I have three and a half year old who has many tics and some mild ASD behaviors. We are really struggling with aggression issues right now. The doctor that ordered these test is a DAN doctor in NC, but we are considering going to Pfeiffer in Chicago for help. I don't really know whether I should pursue more test with the dr. here or just go to Pfeiffer. We are on a very strict diet including Feingold, gluten and caesin free, and have eliminated corn (serious allergy) and dust mite proofed our house. Our son still has numerous facial tics, body tensing many times throughout the day, and getting "stuck" vocally a lot...we are never tic free it seems. Certainly allergies and illnesses factor in to all this, and increase these behaviors. He has gotten so much better with diet, elimination completely of TV (seems less moody), and has OT. However we still struggle so much...if anyone has any insight...please let me know. Natalie:)
kim Posted March 18, 2005 Report Posted March 18, 2005 Natalie, What a relief it must be to be getting some answers, and confirmation of things that you had probably suspected. Although none of us want to be dealing with any of this with our kids, it's just got to be better to have something to work with to start resolving things. I will be looking forward to reading what the experienced people here have to say about your sons results. All I can offer right now is a prayer. Kim PS. You might try just typing in "blood test results ammonia", and hit go. I did that with the results of some blood work my son just had and got results for everything quite easily.
Guest Jean Posted March 18, 2005 Report Posted March 18, 2005 Hi Natalie, My son's hair test (from Doctor's Data) result came negative. However, his recent Great Smokies Diagnostic lab Elemental Analysis showed he's high in mercury, cadmium and antimony: http://www.gsdl.com/home/assessments/elemental/faq/ His Spectracell Comprehensive Analysis (5000) showed he has deficiency in 4 vitamins (out 10), 1 minerals (out of 4), 3 Amino acids (out 4) and 2 antioxidants. His total antioxidants level is 23.8% vs. > 75%. http://www.spectracell.com/OurServices-LabServices.htm. This explains why his hair test was negative. I suggest you to read Claire earlier postings: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...owtopic=411&hl= That's how I got the information form, and asked my DAN doctor to run the similar tests for my son. I also heard that Pfeiffer will run similar tests, but I haven't done so yet. Jean
Guest Guest_efgh Posted March 18, 2005 Report Posted March 18, 2005 Jean WHich supplements has your doctor advised for your son's recent Spectra cell/Great smokies test? Quote His Spectracell Comprehensive Analysis (5000) showed he has deficiency in 4 vitamins (out 10), 1 minerals (out of 4), 3 Amino acids (out 4) and 2 antioxidants. His total antioxidants level is 23.8% vs. > 75%. http://www.spectracell.com/OurServices-LabServices.htm. This explains why his hair test was negative. I don't understand from the link as to why the hair test was negative, can you explain that? How is your son's tics these days - does he watch TV or take milk/dairy? thanks
Guest Jean Posted March 18, 2005 Report Posted March 18, 2005 Hi Efgh, Glad to hear from you. My son has NOT been doing very well recently. He watched an astronomy show in January. The show triggered his tics greatly. Before that, his tics were virtually gone. We also noticed that he’s more sensitive to light changes, screen (computer), etc. This led us to seek a DAN doctor to run more tests as Claire mentioned in her postings. Here are his recent test results 1). Elemental Analysis from Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab: -Elevated mercury, Cadmium, antimony -Low in Molybdenum 2). SpectralCell Laboratories FIA Testing for nutritional deficiencies: Low: - Vitamin B1 - Glutamine - Vitamin - Folate - Asparagine - Biotin - Carnitine - Glutathione - Cysteine Total Antioxidant function: 23.8% vs. > 75% 3). kryptopyrrole test result: negative As I understand, hair tests give false negatives for kids because their whole problem is that they don't excrete metals, especially if they have low antioxidants and nutritional deficiencies. Although my son has high in mercury/cadmium, etc, our DAN Dr. doesn’t want to go through the chelating at this stage. He does not feel comfortable to do the chelating with my son’s low antioxidant level. He said if we had to go through the chelating, he would wait for the Vitamin deficiencies are corrected and the antioxidant level is up to a "good" level. He wants to bring up my son’s antioxidant level and Correct other deficiencies first. By the time, the heavy metals may be able to be getting rid of the body itself (I think that’s the case for Claire’s son) My son will be taking the following supplements in next 4 – 6 months, and he’ll be retested then: - Vitamin C - Vitamin E - Selenium - Vitamin B1 - Folate - Biotin - Glutamine - Asparagine - Carnitine - Cysteine - Glutathione lotion (external use) Although my son’s test result doesn’t show zinc deficient, but I may still supplement it. My son has white spots on his finger nails. It’s usually an indication of zinc deficiency. Besides, I hear that zinc will help remove cadmium. He’s been taking p5p for 6 months. Our DAN Dr. thought that might be the reason that his kryptopyrrole test result came out negative. So I’ll continue to supplement it as well Hope this helps! How is your son doing? Jean ps: BTW, He’s been avoiding TV, milk/dairy for a year already.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted March 19, 2005 Report Posted March 19, 2005 Jean Good to know that you are on the right track. I am sure your son would improve steadily with these supplements. Does your DAN doctor not suggest flax seed/fish oil and Magnesium for your son. How much did you spend for these tests? Was it covered under insurance? Are you feeling comfortable with this DAN doctor - is he/she the same naturopath that you used to visit before for your son? Regarding my son , there has not been even a single day when he is COMPLETELY tic free yet but still his tics are SO MILD that no one else notices. He watches TV quite a bit and takes dairy on and off. He is doing fine overall despite his mild tics. His moods/concentration are great. He tics a bit more when he is under stress or when he is tired or when he watches too much TV. Otherwise they continue to be pretty mild. He has improved a LOT compared to last year. Goodluck and please keep posting.
Guest Jean Posted March 19, 2005 Report Posted March 19, 2005 Hi Ejgh, Good to hear your sons tics are mild. Re: flax seed/fish oil He doesn't recommend flax seed oil, but he suggested fish oil as long as it's "pure/clean". Re: lab test cost Spectralcell comprehensive Analysis 5000 and GDSL Elemental Analysis test costs are listed on their website. Please refer to the links in my previous posting. I'm not sure if insurance will cover for it, so we paid up front (for less cost). I guess it all depends on what type of insurance that you have. I just submitted the claim, but I have not heard back from our insurance yet. Re: ND vs. DAN Dr. We switched to a DAN Dr. a month ago. I have to say that the ND did help my son at certain degrees in terms of reducing his tics. With my son's high light/photo sensitivities, our ND also suspected that he might have heavy metals (especially mercury) lately. if it's convinced, her treatment plan will be going to chelation right away. After we read Dr. McCandless's book, we don't feel too comfortable with it. With my son's chronic constipation, my gut feeling told me that my son might have some vitamin or nutrition deficiencies. Claire's "environment doctor visiting" thread really helped us to get to the current stage. We're so looking forward to seeing what will happen in next couple months or so... Jean
Sue Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 I found this board while searching for information on "low lysine" in a Google search. After reading several of your posts, I've decided to comment. My son (now 30) had/has tics. His pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist said the tics would wax and wane and that short of drugs (that we were not going to give him), there was little help for his condition. We tried diet and nutritional supplements but never found anything that would help. When my son was about 12, I (then in a desperate state) researched Tourettes at a medical school library. I found a letter that gave hope; it was from Dr. Doris Rapp, to the editor of a medical journal. The letter spoke of allergy testing and tics; it spurred me on to have my son tested for allergies by an allergist who did provocative testing. After beginning allergy treatment, my son seemed to be cured; the tics were gone. Being a teacher, I have since known other children who have had their tics subside with allergy treatment. Now that my son is older, he occasionally has flare-ups with tics in stressful situations (ever two to three years, maybe). Taurine supplementation seems to take care of these (there's much information on the Internet about Taurine and tics). Taurine also lessens his anxiousness in stressful times. At one point in my son's life, I wondered if he would be able to be a "normal" adult and hold a job because of his multiple tics, now he's married, has a good job, and became a dad last week. I dnjoyed reading your comments; hope our son's experiences will be of help to some of you. Wish I had had a support group like you have when my son was younger. Blessings to you all.
ntbowen Posted March 25, 2005 Author Report Posted March 25, 2005 Wow! Thank you so much for sharing such a sucess story. It really gives me and I'm sure everyone on this forum a boost to know that things really can turn out just fine...not perfect...but good! All we really want is for our kids to lead happy lives, and it sounds like your son did just that...you must be an incredible mom! Where did you find an allergist such as Doris Rapp around you? That is amazing you discovered all this so long ago. I think sometimes how hard it must have been before the internet, going to libraries, no support groups... Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! God Bless your family! Natalie
Sue Posted March 26, 2005 Report Posted March 26, 2005 Thanks, Natalie. I found a copy of the letter I referred to in my last post (Letters to the Editor, Annals of Allergy, 56:June, 1986, p. 507). I'll note a few sentences that gave me hope years ago. Dr. Rapp stated, "I have seen approximately 30 youngsters in my office who have some aspects of the allergic-tension-fatigue-syndrome, as well as innumerable characteristics typical of the Tourette's syndrome. I am impressed that these patients' symptoms can be triggered by foods, inhalants, molds, or pollens. The symptoms frequently appear to respond to therapy, ie, allergy extract treatment and/or avoidance. There are some others who know when the children need to be retested because they begin to bark, or have a recurrence of their Tourette's associated with their allergy symptoms. I have a movie of one youngster whose symptoms can be precipitated at will by skin-testing with a number of stock allergins." You can see why I was so excited to find the letter! I'm sorry, I don't really remember how I found the doctor that did the provocative skin-testing. The allergist is now deceased. I do remember that I heard of several doctors who did this testing and just chose the one that was nearest, which was a three hour drive. I typed "Dr. Doris Rapp" in Google this afternoon and noticed that she has a Web Site. There may be something of interest to you there. Hope this helps. Blessings, Sue
Andy Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 "With my son's chronic constipation, my gut feeling told me that my son might have some vitamin or nutrition deficiencies". My son had severe constipation for a couple of years to a point where we had to use various adverse measures to get it out. It all ended when we found out about his delayed food allegies and placed him on a restricted diet. Gluten being the most serious of all might have also been the biggest culput. Now he is regular and his behavior is that of a sweetheart where before he was unpredictable and would fixate.
Andy Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Jean, I think you are right that you are on the same path as Claire in that you are doing a detoxing program by using the supplements of - - Vitamin C - Vitamin E - Selenium - Vitamin B1 - Biotin - Glutamine - Cysteine - Glutathione lotion (external use) I have read alot of wonderful things about Glutathione. Your method of detox may just be the safest of all of the effective detoxing out there that I have read about.
Sue Posted April 5, 2005 Report Posted April 5, 2005 Hi all, thought you might be interested in my son's (then age 28) test outcome. His SpectraCell testing showed low calcium, low oleic acid, and low zinc. His antioxidant function was at 23.8%. Of course, tics were were under control at this point. I, like many of you, am very impressed with glutathione. There are sublingual forms that bypass the digestive tract. I have taken it for about 19 months and have noticed no adverse effects. I received an email from one of you that I very much wanted to respond to but could not at the time with taxes to complete and a mother-in-law in the hospital. If you could/would please send me another email, I'll will respond. Unfortunately, I seem to have deleted the email while cleaning out my mailbox. Have any of you known of children that have tried the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (Elaine Gottschall) for tics? I’m not recommending it, just wondering. Lastly, my sister sent me this site yesterday. When tics are waxing, it would be interesting to know what’s in the air that might be aggravating allergies. <www.pollen.com> Sue
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