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? for Claire on TV/Auto tics

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As I mentioned to Marie and Cheri, you all have been so wonderful to me in answering my questions and giving support. DEVASTATION hits the nail right on the head. My gosh, I never thought I could be laughing one minute and crying the next. Congratulations on your baby to be. I didn't realize you were going to have a baby. Do you only have Kurt? or are there others in between?


I laughed about you're husband looking at the back of your head. Same here. In fact Karl, my husband doesn't see me much anymore. I'm always on the computer trying to find answers.


I think I'm going to sign myself up for some yoga classes. I really need to get a life. I do try to run a couple of times a week and I eat really healthy. It's my mind that's not healthy. I'm still going to talk to the psychologist tomorrow night. Thanks so much for being there.


Much Love,




Great for you and your boys with the juicing!!! 6 oz carrot mixed with 2 oz. spinach is great to detox and eliminate. 6 oz. carrot and 2 oz. celery is great to detox and add much need sodium required for the cells rejuvination. 6 oz. carrot and 2 oz. cucumber is great for detox and healthy cells. I do not juice fruit and veggies because mixed it can cause gas. But I push eating fruit for the fiber ... at least three different fruits daily. Get the book entitled Fresh Juice and Vegitables by Norman Walker...its like $7 and it is easy reading less than 100 pages. It has formulas for whatever your issue is- none for tics but after you read it, you'll know that carrot is the base. Oh, and if your kids start looking like they are getting tan..that is just the beta carotene and that is perfectly safe and is a sign that you are on your way to health. We call it the "glow". What kind of juicer did you get? How often do you juice? My kids are 8 oz. daily for about 10 weeks and I am at the 4 week mark. For me my stress level, which is lnormally 10 on the rector scale, is now more like about 3. I do carrot, spinach and cucumber 16 oz daily. My weight is slowly going up, and thank God for that! You will be happy with the results you get from juicing and know that the knowledge you give your children about nutrition will not only help them now, but will help them when they are old. Oh, and organic is the key and carrot prep is important. Do not peel, wash with plenty of cold water with a veggie brush and cut about 1" from the top of the carrot off (where the green is) and snip the end about 1/2" just prior to juicing.

I'm so glad you are using the technique of speaking with Karl at his eye level. Isn't is awesome just how it changes the perspective of everything? I like you would have not made it this far without the people on this site. I draw much needed strength from all of you...a big hug to all!




Hi Dara,


Yoga is great and having balance is so important...believe me I learned the HARD way! :wub: This how I looked at one time...I was on the computer at night tons, and tons after my kids went to sleep...it was not good at all but "sigh" that was in the past and all I can do is learn from my mistakes...


I am pregnant with my 4th baby...due in July. Kurt (my son who I post about) is my oldest at almost 9 years old, I have a 6 year old son and a 4 year old daugher and we already know we are having another boy... :wub:


At present I just had 10 four year olds at my house this afternoon for my daughters birthday party and now that I think about it I again look a little :wacko: . I think I need to go deep breath...see yoga would be a great idea right now...


Take Care,


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