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3-4 weeks ago ds8 not the the one i write about...had strep 3-4 weeks ago...ds flared...started back azith and have actually raised it...he is doing well....we are doing other thing in combo....


however...ds8 got sick last friday moring threw up just a little..ever since he has been congested...a bit run down...

tuesday night he just wanted to go to bed evn though friends around....last night i think i notice a tic!!!!!!!!

its the pursing lips...kissy face thing.....well it is here today stronger...

i just got back from docs...he is pandas friendly but not advanced...qucik swab neg...glads swollen.everything else slightly congested....he did give me abx for amox...asked me not to fill it...said it could be congestion...but i am sitting here watching him....even if its not strep..now..it could be from the other infection and now if he has a virus it just pushed him over ...right!!!!!

i should go get it filled right!!!!!....i just called to see if he would switch it to aug or azith.....

but get it filled regardless right....it might help right!!!!!


this was the one that i thought was ok......please keep me in your thoughts please!!!


Definitely fill out the prescription. If things get worse, you will blame yourself later. Infections seems to bring out tics in my son, and the whole crazyiness started last year with a fever, cough, chest pain, strep, then strep again, then a sore throat, and ongoing congestion. Please...get it right away. Get more of it. Get as much as you can! It is right at the beginning of it all... so you can stop it extracellularly perhaps. At least...try.


Please let us know how things go. Many many prayers go out to you and your son. It is so disheartening to see our children spiral down a scary world that is all too familiar to us. I ask that God gives you the guidance and strength to do the right thing, to follow the right treatment, to seek out the right people to help out your son, in the hopes of stopping things in their tracks right away.


Remember while he is at the beginning of this whole thing...keep him as clean and clear form potential triggers as possible. Remember to keep sugar away, keep msg away, keep chlorine away, keep flouride away, keep tv the ds and video games away, keep stress away... don't force any homework, help him get a lot of sleep, do not force him to attend any early morning activities where you have to wake him up, don't allow any sick playmates around. Use the epsom salt bath. Stay home with him, and become more aware of things.


I wish that I had jumped right away when my ds7 started with the grimacing, jaw jutting, head turning, and eye rolling immediately following an illness. I wish that I sought out antibiotics from anyone who would prescibe them to him, when he was sick. His body couldn't take it. Please do what you believe is best. I get the sense that you want to give him the prescription, but are afraid. Remember that pandas has a sister/brother called pitands. Tics seem to be connected to all of this somehow. Do what you believe is right. Follow that mother instinct. Fight hard for your son.




one week since starting abx....tics ...bye bye..for ds8.... :D (if they are peeking out.i question if a real tic..so that is good)

i thought he was clear yesterday..but didn't see him much as i've

been busy..dh had tonsils out yesterday...he had some complications..details later...ok today


thanks for the support...and confirmations

cristo...thanks for the lovely post :)


gettting all 3 and hubby to pandas doc asap




one week since starting abx....tics ...bye bye..for ds8.... :D (if they are peeking out.i question if a real tic..so that is good)

i thought he was clear yesterday..but didn't see him much as i've

been busy..dh had tonsils out yesterday...he had some complications..details later...ok today


thanks for the support...and confirmations

cristo...thanks for the lovely post :)


gettting all 3 and hubby to pandas doc asap

Been praying for your family daily...I feel like we are going through such similar things. I pray for us all dealing with this, but then a special prayer for you and your family. God bless, Linda



not feeling well throat still hurts,,ear hurts


took him to walk in on friday 12/31/10...had ear infection while amox 800bid

put him on amox xr 400 bid, as per panda doc...i don't think that was enough


1/1 ds8 starts slipping and started ticcing again...

1/2 starts running feaver, still congested sinc 12/16/10

neck and throat hurt..large lumps on neck


today.just looks and sounds terrible..lumps like rocks

go to ped again....

HE has MONO!!!.....i was thinking that earlier today???


the line started faint then came in ..they thought it was gonna be neg

ped says...igm's dont show for 2 weeks..but the lump(like a rock, toward back of neck) comes in 5 days...???

so 2 weeks puts us back to when this started with a little vomit on 12/17/10

5 days puts us at a sleep over....


doc says if you have mono ...you are 40-60% more likely to contract STREP!!..co-infections

online it is called a the great strep mimicker....

hubby read you can be contagous for 18 months??? i will have to look into that...with all panda kids..we should all get our own appartments..


soo....does he have strep too..or just the fact he had strep 4 weeks prior to the vomit incident??

or do they just bring out each other..or each others antibodies??


ped put him on amox xr 900bid...he said he likes to go high with certain things..and am very glad he gets pandas...will not dose long term..but will dose high out the gate....so at least i have a starting point..and can document actual illnesses


doc said no sports or rough housing for 6 weeks as internal organs get enlarged....

oddly i ran into the panda mom i know...who saw swedo for the study 11 years ago...she said her oldest panda kid had mono at 5...he was already panda...and that lump never went away till he had t&a, 2 years later...(i'm glad to hear this now..so i wont go nuts if it wont go and need to pursue TA..sooner than later!!)



Steph2 have you looked into mono!!

3boys mom...thank you soooo much...keep it coming...i am somehow keeping it together ...i think it's those prayers are hitting me....maybe i'll duck and it will hit the boys!!!!

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