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Ever since my girl was little, I kept telling everyone that her pupils seem like dialate after an hour of waking up. I still see it. Has anyone ever noticed this with their child?? Thanks for some advice.


Yes, yes, yes! All of my four children get dilated pupils, sometimes so large yo can barely see their iris. My understanding is that it indicates brain inflamation. Ibuprofen and steroids can help decrease inflammation, as well as some antibiotics.



Absolutely! My ds11 has dilated pupils all the time, mostly during rages. He says it's because he is afraid, and I read that fear is a frequent cause of dilated pupils. Other things I read about that cause dilated pupils are poisons and drugs (like heroin, dope, etc.) And even when he looks directly into a light, the pupils go down slightly toward normal, but with the light still shining in them, they get larger again. I hadn't read about the brain inflammation part. Sure wish I could get him to take some ibuprofen.




Yes--Dilated pupils are a common side effect with PANDAS (or PITAND). Please take some time to read through the information at the top of the PANDAS Forum page under "Helpful THREADS" There is a wealth of information on symptoms and treatment effects.


What you are describing is very characteristic--and needs attention.

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