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Hi Everyone,


I wanted to get some advise.


My 5 year old son Karl who had been doing well on a prescribed diet and supplement routine (his tics improved greatly since mid December), has recently started a new tic which consists of playing with his saliva, tightening his lips and making a high pitched sucking sound. I first noticed it back on January 19th while he was watching TV. I assume many kids suck on their lips and play with their tongue and saliva, but I think Karl's has turned into a tic. It also seems like he has a lot of saliva in his mouth. As a younger child, he did drool a lot, but that went away before 4 years of age, and only recently, did I notice what seemed to be an overproduction of saliva and the associated tic.


I can hear him making this sound around the house (even if I'm in another room) and he especially does it when driving in the car. Does anyone know of a particular supplement or deficency that could cause an overproduction of saliva?????


Karl Henry is on many supplements, but the only new supplement that he started taking during the month of January is 50 ml of Glutathione. This was prescribed by our doctor for an increased level of aconitic in Karl's urine.


Any suggestions, thoughts????





Guest Guest_Heather



I have a book called Healthy Immunity and it states that an overproduction of saliva or drooling in sleep is a symptom of parasites/yeast. My son had a lot of drooling in his sleep. He has solid coloured brown sheets and his sheets would have drool patches on them. We treated for yeast and the drooling went away along with other yeast symptoms. I treat yeast with either Candicin or Threelac based on my naturopath's advice.






I just sent a post asking if someone could tell me what to expect from trying to rid my 8 yr.old son of unhealthy yeast. Does your child have a very limited diet or extreme sugar cravings?







My 12 year old son has complained of overproduction of silivia. For a while I would see small wet spots where it looked like it just fell out of his mouth. He said it was just from his braces. He seems to know what is a tic and what is not, so I didn't pay alot of attention and it seeme to pass rather quickly. Now that Heather brings up yeast, I have to wonder?I had my younger son do the spit test this morning and it sure looked positve to me, but I really wasn't looking for it in my older son since he doesn't have the obsessive sweet craving his brother does. I will try it with him tom.


I haven't heard any one complain about their kids becoming hyper after starting supplements/vitamins. My 12 yr.old is taking Bonnies Vitamins-a little over 2wks. now. He even knows the vitamins are having that effect. Does any one know if it would be the B vitamins or would the fish oils be a bigger culprit?


Is there something safe to use for a calming effect in addition to her vitamins or would this be an indication I should cut back. Greatful for any thoughts.


Maybe Cheri's alternative to the Fish oil?







I think I might have asked this one before, but what is a Naturopath??? Is that a homeopathy doctor who prescribes natural remedies???? We're currently seeing an Environmental Phycian who is a board certified doctor that treats neurological disorders through diet and supplements. Anyway, back to the yeast problem, my son was already tested for a yeast/fungus overgrowth using the first morning urine and he tested positive. Our doctor put him on Nystatin. It seems like so many other folks on this forum are using different medications. How do weknow which ones are right for our children or which ones are the most effective? My concern about the Nystatin was that it's full of sugar and artificial flavor and colorings, all of which my son is supposed to stay away from. I asked my doctor about it and he said that positive effects outweigh the negative ones.



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