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My son has a positive IgM and negative IgG to the Anne Connolly Lab test to brain endothelial cells. I am a lab specialist (in AZ0 but this is new territory. My PED erroneously (Oh God am I MAAAAD!!!!) a month ago it was negative. After pressing to get the report faxed, found out today the IgM Ab(I know this means acute, or "now") but no idea what it means for a PANDAS child (7 yr boy) and what to do??? He is on AMOX-CLAV ES (liquid type of Augmentin) for over three months, 57 lbs, been on many others (ABX)that did nothing, and he has a T & A in June of this year (2010). I am so upset and cannot find ANYTHING or ANYONE to help me figure this out (I don;t exoect the doc to) - she's a good ped but I have to really take over from here (as I have done from the beginning, anyhow). PLEASE, can someone "talk" to me? What does this mean? What do we do? Should we repeat the test?


Test was done Sept this year.

Hello - Thank you for posting your question. I'm afraid I am not familiar with the Anne Connolly test and have not seen others have this test. I googled it quickly so I know it indicates brain inflammation. Can you tell me more about it? Is it a traditional lab test (eg: covered by regular insurance), or is it something outside of the mainstream? When did your son have the test - was it done a month ago when the pediatrician erroneously told you it was negative?


Do you know if this has been used to help identify other children with PANDAS? And ... are you working with a PANDAS specialist to help you sort this out? If you are seeing a positive reaction to a test that measures IGM for brain inflammation, I would think a PANDAS neurologist would be good. Perhaps Dr. L?


Please do let us know more about your situation. I am sure we can learn from you and I am sure there are others on this forum who will be able to help you as well.


I had the test done on my 2yo when I was suspecting seizure activity. It came back negative. Our DAN practitioner was the one who ordered it. If you want you can PM me for his name/contact info, maybe he can do a phone consult with you and interpret over the phone.


My son has a positive IgM and negative IgG to the Anne Connolly Lab test to brain endothelial cells. I am a lab specialist (in AZ0 but this is new territory. My PED erroneously (Oh God am I MAAAAD!!!!) a month ago it was negative. After pressing to get the report faxed, found out today the IgM Ab(I know this means acute, or "now") but no idea what it means for a PANDAS child (7 yr boy) and what to do??? He is on AMOX-CLAV ES (liquid type of Augmentin) for over three months, 57 lbs, been on many others (ABX)that did nothing, and he has a T & A in June of this year (2010). I am so upset and cannot find ANYTHING or ANYONE to help me figure this out (I don;t exoect the doc to) - she's a good ped but I have to really take over from here (as I have done from the beginning, anyhow). PLEASE, can someone "talk" to me? What does this mean? What do we do? Should we repeat the test?


Test was done Sept this year.



My son has autism and PANDAS. This test is usually done on kids with Autism as an indicator of brain inflammation.

Many kids with autism have the IgM come back positive. (not that its good, but not uncommon) My son was positive.


If you have both IgM and the second marker as well- I believe it indicates you

have a very similar brain inflammation and activity as a child with Landau Klefner Variant.

(seizures and inflammation?)

I believe it helps the doctors determine treatment and further testing


I think most DAN Drs could interpret this test for you.

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