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Happy ThanksGiving!

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I'm thankful for all of my CyberMoms. :D


Special shoutout to PixiesMommy for the glutenfree stuffing, chocolate chip cookie, & strawberry cream pie recipe. & to my puppy for sitting with me in the kitchen while I cook it all. <3

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Now get off the forum & enjoy it!

Edited by EmersonAilidh
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Ditto - Hope you all get plenty of turkey and a a break from the b&w bear today!


P.S.: EA, our PANDAS son (14) chowed down a while ago on his delicious tofurkey, a mountain of mashed potatoes, and some pumpkin pie (where he just ate the filling and ignored the crust). I think you and he are kindred spirits! ;)

Edited by Worried Dad
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Did everyone have a calm, happy ThanksGiving? Everyone should be out of their L-Tryptophan comas by now.


Well, everyone but me & Worried Dad's kid, haha. The Tofurkey I bought had gluten in it! D: I was tempted to eat it anyway since it was a special occasion, but since I wasn't at my house I decided not to. I did the pumpkin pie thing too! I made a gfree pie that one of my sisters swears wasn't horrible, haha. The rest were too scared to try. & mashed potatoes have always been my best friend.


Lots of naps were had, lots of kids were watched, & all ###### broke loose when the Cowboys lost. If you don't live in Dallas, you will never understand just how important that ThanksGiving football game is, haha.

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Lots of naps were had, lots of kids were watched, & all ###### broke loose when the Cowboys lost. If you don't live in Dallas, you will never understand just how important that ThanksGiving football game is, haha.


I live in Michigan. For us, every year it's guaranteed that the Lions will make us feel like recycling our Thanskgiving feast.... :(

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