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I found this in an article online...


"It is interesting to note that Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Christian luminary who was discussed in Chapter 3, may well have had PANDAS. Therese suffered severe bouts of sore throat all of her life and finally died at twenty-four of a respiratory illness. As a child, just prior to developing obsessive-compulsive disorder, Therese was confined to bed for a period of two months with a disorder of intermittent delirium she later referred to as "my strange sickness." The saint's aunt remembered, "the little girl was seized with a nervous trembling, followed by seizures of fright and hallucinations that were repeated several times a day." The family maid recalled that Therese had "propulsive seizures during which she made wheel-like movements that she would have been absolutely incapable of making in a state of health." The doctor called on to treat the disorder diagnosed St. Vitus' dance."


Saint Therese (also called the Little Flower) is a beloved Saint and Doctor of the Catholic Church who lived in France during the 1800's. If you've never read about her, do so! You will be blessed. When we've ask for her prayers and intercession in our family, amazing things have happened. She just happens to be the patron saint of my little girl who has PANDAS. WOW!

Posted (edited)

Wow! St. Therese may be working here... I took Vicki's idea of "where is this from" and googled to find the source. It is from http://www.hope4ocd.com/autoimmune.php which is the Westwood Institute for Anxiety Disorders.


Here is their main website: http://www.hope4ocd.com/index.php


They are located in Los Angelas and they do ERP... Also looks like they they have some nice articles and some podcasts on their site. It may be a good source of information and perhaps a good source of ERP for some folks in California! I wonder if anyone is using them...


Thanks TexasCatholic!

Edited by kimballot

LOL, I was just going to post the website. Seriously folks, ask for her prayers. She's amazing.


I have read many books about this amazing Saint. I often refer to my son as a Saint since he has suffered so much. When he got his first communion, my son who barely spoke, got down on his knees and said, "Please let me be healthy." It sent a chill up my spine.


My pandas dd is in 5th grade and has to chose her saint this weekend for confirmation preparation. She was going to choose St. Blaise, patron saint of sore throats......of course, dd never had sore throats, perhaps if she had it wouldn't have taken us 6 years to figure this out!!!


We'll read about St. Therese before making the final decision. Thanks!


Our younger dd has her First Holy Communion this Saturday.......she came home from school with no voice and her best friend was out with strep Mon and Tues.


God bless all of you wonderful parents and your families!


just as an interesting (coincidental??) side note.... I believe her sister, Leonie, was a schizophrenic with rages... I read that in more than one biographical book on St Therese, I believe! Very interesting- I cannot wait to tell my girls. Glad to read this and glad to know there are so many St Therese- inovkers in latitudes-land!


Interesting fact about Leonie...the Martin family went through so much suffering yet they did amazing things for the Church and the world. I plan on taking our family soon to go to Mass at the Basilica of the Little Flower (here in town) and thank her for her intercession.


God bless!

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