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A father wrote to me from Italy, as I also post in the TS forum there. His DS is 17, and they have tried various meds throughout him growing up. They also tried MAG, VIT D. He is now going through extremely LOUD screams, and I suggested L-Carnitine, but I was hoping you could give me some pointers to pass on to him. He has been diagnosed with TS about 10 years ago, things were up and down, acupuncture apparently did not work either, but now things are worse than ever. No high power prescribed med works any longer. He is looking to get allergy tested ASAP.

I would appreciate any info you might be able to share as I know your DS is older as well. My DS is 8, and things seem to work well and quickly with him, but I am not sure how older boys react.




I dont know what to suggest as I am uncertain of what supplements may be available to them there. Magnesium is always what one thinks first when TS may be the cause of the tics, supps as well as the Epsom baths.


But honestly, when they have tried so much and not even seeing any improvement with meds, I would question whether a TS dx is accurate


Is there also OCD?


Thank you, I will do some more investigating and I will let you know what I find. Meanwhile I have sent them your info (the treatment that has helped your son)

Take care!

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