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Toothpaste and Flouridated water


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I found an article titled "Flouridation and the liquid of life". It is located on a website called IslamOnline (im not Islamic). The article states that Flouride destroys bones, teeth, blood vessels, and stomach lining. Causes infertility, poisoning with symptoms of headache or nausea. Adversely effects membrane bound enzymes and the transfer of calcium and Magnesium ions. Inhibits protein &DNA synthesis. Experiments have shown that 1-4 parts per million of sodium fluoride can have an adverse effect on the central nervous system and at 0.6 parts can disturb antibody production in the immune system. My son was on a multi vitamin that contained flouride for a lot of years :( . There are a lot of articles on this. One article called Flouride freind or foe says there is enough flouride in one tube of toothpaste to kill a 25lb child.

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I read a little more on this. Flouride was reclassified as a poison. Why is it still put in Diet soda's, childrens formulas, kids cereal, toothpaste. Causes HYPERACTIVITY, a dificiency in Calcium/Magnesium, damages Enzymes, damages neurotransmitters, causes Cancer faster than any other chemical, the list goes on and on. Children have died from getting Flouride treatments in Dentists offices. If anyone wants to read for them selves do a search for Fluoride poisoning. Anyone notice some similarities? In 1995 a study was done to animals. Offspring of pregnant animals recieving relatively low doses of flouride showed permanent side effects to the brain which were seen as hyperactivity ( ADD-like symptoms).

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Hi Art

we were told by a holistic doctor to absolutely avoid fluoride years ago when the kids were still very young

We use only health store toothpastes with myrrh and pure peppermint or tea tree oils etc and never go near anything with added fluoride.


When we first moved to the states and I used to take the kids for their dental checkups and cleaning, the dentists thought I was a weirdo because I refused to allow them to put that fluoride solution anywhere near my kids!

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Hi Chemar, I wish i had known earlier the dangers involved. I cant help but wonder if things would have turned out differently. The multi was prescribed by his pediatrician. My wife kept renewing it over and over. This first thing i said to her when i realized something was wrong was to stop giving him the multi. What kind of doctors test for vitamin defficiencies. Which type of doctors show the best results? I wish i had 1/2 your knowledge and wisdom. The doctors we have seen to this point are useless. Im in NJ

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