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Hello everyone,


My sons tics are intensifying and I would prefer not to medicate. We are doing much of the things I read about on this site; eating organics, limiting stress and TV, watching and learning about triggers, etc. but I need help in understanding how to move forward on testing.


From reading Latitudes and this forum there seems to be two main avenues to try - nutritional analysis and allergy testing. And it appears that my mainstream ped. nuero. will be no help. So how do I get referrals and what do I ask for? A full spectrum analysis? Blood work? Do I need a doctor to get the tests? Honestly, I don't feel comfortable ordering the tests and getting results myself. I need a doctor to analyze the results and direct me to the next step. Do allergists understand the TS connection? Any ideas to try for Doctors? I live in the midwest.


I would like to get any testing covered by insurance if at all possibe as I'm sure everyone would. But I need to convince someone they are neccessary.


My son has never had any obvious allergies. He eats well and has always been healthy. His tics began 18 months ago, right after he turned 6. We have a family history of tics so I know there is a genetic component involved.


Any help would be great.




Hi Decorah :)


my personal choice of doctor to help with all this would be an Integrative Physician

ie one who is fully trained as a conventional medical doctor, but who has also specialised in alternative/complementary/naturopathic medicine


you may be able to find one from the links in Dr Roger's thread on finding medical help at the top of the forum...here is the link to it



it really is very wise of you to do this under the guidance of a good physician.

also, by choosing an integrative doctor, you are often covered by insurance.


you may also want to mention the general area you are in, so that anyone here who knows of good docs there can recommend

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