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Hi All,


I just had a few questions reguarding Tourettes and Anger. My son who is 9 1/2 has TS and has been doing very well with the diet changes and vitamins. His tics are barely noticable. But lately he has been a handful for me at home, whining and throwing fits and his anger is getting more intense. At school he is doing just fine his teacher says she dosen't notice any change in him.


Tonight he got into trouble for feeding his veggies to the dog and lost his dessert. Instead of accepting he got caught and had to pay the price of no dessert (which I think was a pretty easy going punishment) He went into a fit of whining and crying (which I believe he is a bit to old for that type of behavior). He actually ended up breaking the towel bar in the bathroom out of rage. When all was said and done he said that it wasn't his fault for breaking something because he couldn't control it, he was just too angry.


Now my son has always been a bit of a whinner and every now and than has had outburst just like any other normal child but they just seem to be getting more intense and more frequent. I feel bad even saying this but sometimes I can't stand to be around him lately. His fits end up ruining things for our whole family. My question is could this be part of TS or just a 9 1/2 yr. old boy misbehaving...... I am torn on how to handle this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




Guest Guest_arthur

I dont know if this helpful but, instead of denying him dessert completely try substituting another meal. Maybe a healthy cereal or something of his choice. If i dont think my son had an adequate meal then i dont let him pick on snacks. I try and give him a choice of some healthy alternatives. If my sons mood changes drastically for some reason ill try and find out what hes eaten recently. In our case it usally has something to do with sugar. Ask him what he is eating at school.


Hi Gina


hormonal changes at puberty can also bring about emotional upheavals, and some have found that the combination of these plus the Ts can lead to more explosiveness.


Nomatter the reasons, we all know that out of control rages are dangerous and so if you notice that this is becoming a serious problem you may want to consider cognitive behavioural therapy.


Also, dont forget that sometimes rages can be associated with other things too, one that comes to mind is pyroluria, as well as candida build up, mercury etc....also artificial stuff in food and MSG etc can trigger rages.....tho I think you are probably careful with those.


hope you find a solution as this is a tough one!


Well I figured it out!!


Feeling kinda like the "Dumb Mom" I took my son in to our Doctor today I thought he might of been getting a sinus infection. Come to find out that he was at the tail end of an ear infection (which we weren't aware of) and tested positive for Strep Throat (YUCK). So I think all this annoying behavior was due to his body being attacked by those infections. We start antibiotics tonight.


Kind of odd buy my son never complained of a soar throat or his ear bothering him. I thought that both of those are supposed to be very uncomfortable and painful?


Oh well hopfully the meds will kick in and start fighting the infections and I will can get back to having fun with my son.



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