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Well I think our dd Doc has jumped ship

I have emailed her 3 times about what has been going on with

our dd and not 1 email back.

She has been very good at least keeping in touch with us

when we do give her updates but.. I think she is NOT

happy about us not giving her a flu shot this year

I thought she understood but guess not.

Oh well...

I guess I need to start searching for a different doc for her

we live in such a small town that most of the doc's all work in

the same place..

I have her home # but I don't want to call her

if she can't email me back then she sure don't want me to call

her at home.



I'm sorry. I've been in the position of thinking you had someone who was on your side and could trust, just to let down and abandoned. If a pediatrician jumps ship over a flu shot, that doesn't say much for them being a pediatrician. Good luck in your search for a replacement. I know it wasn't something you were planning on doing right now and you have so much on your plate to begin with.


...ours did the same thing, the exact same thing, early on. it ended up being a blessing because the person i took him to is amazing and fully pursued my son's true diagnosis, workup and treatment, and ended up starting a lower-cost IVIG treatment center for kids in his office, which is going to contribute to PANDAS kids in the long run - and the short run. so hopefully, something better will come this as well.


living in a teeny town, unless they are all pandas savvy, either leaves you educating them like crazy, or travelling for care. I do have 3 excellent friends who live in Colorado, one in Aurora and 2 in the Boulder area - i would be happy to ask them if they happen to know any pediatrician forward thinking enough to understand / treat pandas, if you'd like.


also many many years ago when i lived in colorado i worked in peds at U of CO health sciences center in Denver. Would that be worth going to? I know here in Northern CA, going to UCSF, the closest real medical hub, is useless when it comes to understanding / treating PANDAS.


good luck.


I agree that your red flag should be raised but don't panic just yet. Your pediatrician has a life too. Maybe she is out of town. Maybe she is having her own family crisis. Find out the facts first. Have a talk with her and find out what is going on and where she stands. Good luck!


I agree that your red flag should be raised but don't panic just yet. Your pediatrician has a life too. Maybe she is out of town. Maybe she is having her own family crisis. Find out the facts first. Have a talk with her and find out what is going on and where she stands. Good luck!


PhillyPA that is very smart of you, you must be getting some sleep these days to have such a good head left on your shoulders?? :) Thanks for voice of sanity.


I agree that your red flag should be raised but don't panic just yet. Your pediatrician has a life too. Maybe she is out of town. Maybe she is having her own family crisis. Find out the facts first. Have a talk with her and find out what is going on and where she stands. Good luck!


PhillyPA that is very smart of you, you must be getting some sleep these days to have such a good head left on your shoulders?? :) Thanks for voice of sanity.

OK,she call me back...

It was just so unlike her to wait so long

I didn't talk to her but she left a message for me

ect ect...


I was just freeking.


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