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cold remedies


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health stores sell a variety of natural cough and cold remedies. they are usually herbal blends and dont contain the drugs in regular over the counter cold/cough formulae


we also find that lemon honey tea is excellent......cup of black tea with fresh squeezed lemon juice and honey to taste.


there are also drops that you can dissolve in steaming water and then breathe in the vapours to help with decongesting. again these are available at health stores


echinacea, zinc and vit c are the preferred supplements for colds, generally most helpful before it is fullblown

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Luckily my kids rarely get colds and I usually let their own immune systems go to work and fight it off. But, last month my daughter got a cold and we were heading out of town so I went to our local health store and found this stuff called Umka Cold Care I believe its made by Natures Way. It is a liquid form that I must admit dosen't taste that great but my 7 yr. old daughter did fine with it and it worked great. She was back to normal with in 2-3 days.


I also found Umka at our local grocery store (Safeway) in thier natural foods section.


Good Luck


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Guest Guest_Jennifer

Boerickle and Tafel puts out a great line of homeopathic cough syrups...the kid's formula tastes great too!!!


Vitamin C is great as well. Very high amounts are safe for acute illnesses. If your child gets stools that are too loose then cut back a bit. According to Linus Pauling 350mg per kg. of body weight is safe. Our son came down with bronchitis and I gave him close to 8,000 mg of liquid vit. C in one day. He must have really needed it because he never developed runny stools and the progress he made in just a couple of days was phenomenal. Of course a good rule of thumb is to start low and gradually increase to see how well the child tolerates it.


As a preventive measure elderberry syrup throughout the flu and cold seasons is great too. Elderberry syrup is very easy and much less expensive to make than it is to buy. I just ordered 1 pound from www.mountainroseherbs.com for about





1/2 cup dry elderberries or 1 cup fresh

3 cups water


Simmer on low for 45 min.

Mash the berries then strain.

Add one cup of raw honey to the liquid. Store in refrigerator, will last 2-3 months.




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health stores sell a variety of natural cough and cold remedies. they are usually herbal blends and dont contain the drugs in regular over the counter cold/cough formulae


we also find that lemon honey tea is excellent......cup of black tea with fresh squeezed lemon juice and honey to taste.


there are also drops that you can dissolve in steaming water and then breathe in the vapours to help with decongesting. again these are available at health stores


echinacea, zinc and vit c are the preferred supplements for colds, generally most helpful before it is fullblown


I can't believe how knowledgable you are in everything and I am so glad! Anyways, I know there are different forms of echinecea and was wondering what form you recommend? Also, I have heard there are different potentcies. So for a 60lb. boy, what size dose do you recommend of the echinecea, zinc & vitamin C? I started to take my son off of the Clonidine a week ago by reducing his pill in half. So far, no change in tics so tonight we went without all together. He is still on the Neurontin though for his tics. I came down with a cold and am worried that he will so I want to prepare ourselves for it and prevent it if possible. Thanks for your guidance, again. Deanna

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Hi all:


We find echinacea and goldenseal work well for colds, especially echinacea and goldenseal root. BUT we don't give it to our 10 yr. old DS w/PANDAS because they stimulate the immune system. Since it's the immune system's antibodies that attack the basal ganglia and cause the neuro problems, we've decided to use homeopathy (sometimes it works, but there are different homeopathic meds and different colds and it's hard to match them to each other) and RhinoCort (sp?) and zinc.


If anyone finds out if echinacea or goldenseal's immune boost aggravates PANDAS symptoms (tics & OCD) I would not be surprised.



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