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Guest Guest_Julie

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Guest Guest_Julie

I'm new here. My son has just been diagnosed w/ Tourette's. He currently has more vocal tics than motor but as you all know that could change next week. The pediatric neurologist saw him but said no meds because the risks do not outweigh the benefits. This I was relieved of. I did not want meds. What is the difference between magnesium taurate and just plain magnesium? Also, he is 6 years old and weighs between 60 and 65 pounds. What would be the recommendation on dosages of calcium, magnesium and zinc?


I would appreciate any help anyone could provide. School is definitely a trigger with him. During summer vacation, the tics went away completely. His teacher this year is very understanding, thankfully. She reports he is doing well in school and that his reasoning abilities are much higher than the other children's. Our main struggle with him is homework. Some nights he can do it in 20 minutes and other nights it takes 1 hour 30 minutes to only get 1/3 of the way through. Does anyone else suffer with home work issues. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Guest Guest_efgh



You are lucky to have come across a good neurologist who is not "for" medication.

Taurine is an amino acid which is supposed to help a lot for kids with tics, focus issues and sleep problems. When mixed with magnesium the advantages are much more. So magnesium taurate is a compound which contains magnesium and taurine. As per research (Bonnie's) magnesium taurate is excellent for tics. Generally calcium is given 2 times as that of magnesium. The form of calcium generally preferred is Calcium citrate. There are so many helpful members in this forum and you can hear a lot more useful info from each of them.

Reg. homework, like how tics waxe and wane their focus/concentration levels too wax and wane. Once you start your son on supplements, healthy (junk free) diet, good sleep, less of TV/computer, less of food allergens (if he is allergic to any food item such as milk, wheat, citrus, etc) you should see a world of difference.

Goodluck and stay in touch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Julie,


Just a thought about homeowork. You mentioned some nights were good and others took forever. You may want to consider having him do his homework right after school (healthy snack first). My kids have never been able to really concentrate at night. Works much better to do it as soon as they get home (I know, I know, there's basketball, drum lessons, etc.....!) Just keep him at the kitchen table while you're making dinner. Homework is certainly a frustration we have felt around here!!



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