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My son has shown TS or tics since he was 2. He has been on a special diet since he was 4 and has been taken supplements as well. We have had great success in that the mood swings have been gone forever, his sleep patterns have become normalized, and his bowl movements are regular. We have seen a decrease in the tics where they may be there every day but it is at a who cares rate of frequency and severity. However, he just came off a really bad time of it. It lasted two months. After all of the success we were shocked. We are going to take him for an allergy skin test this Monday to test for airborne local allergens as well as more information on food allergies. He already has had the FIA Comprehensive Profile 5000, and the Spectrox Total Antioxidant Function, the Food Anitbody Assessment IGE & IgG, as well as prior individual tests for PANDAS and Gluten. My son has seen three Neurologists, and a host of Family doctors. I just don't think that we have all the bases covered with his treatment. Our current neurologists tells us a metal test will be useless for if he did not come up showing over exposure it wouldn't mean a thing for he might just be oversensitive to what he was exposed to. Yet, since my son did get seriously sick after a vacination shot and was then overly medicated to deal with that illness, I have wondered if it was the vacination shot itself, I wish to do detox. I want the safest detox method out there. I have looked into Blue Green Allergy and found that one of the main sources is overly polluted with Farm's waste water. So now I wonder about Chlorella or any other detox method that might clean up my son of any lingering agent that is damaging his body. I also wonder if I should take him to a doctor that specializes with the digestive system. Since my son is not suppose to eat corn, soy, wheat, gluten products, rice, milk or milk products, cane sugar, etc.... To see if there is another way to test for leaky gut or other damage and treatment of such. I would be most thankful for any information that someone might have to offer. No matter how small it may seem to you, for us it might be the missing piece.




Sorry you must face this challenge.


My thoughts:


1. Redo the spectracell test. We retested for the Spectrox/spectracell test after 6 months, and it turned out that though the old vitamin/antioxidant deficiencies were gone, he had a new one (in his case magnesium), which had to be treated. It is 6 months later we will test again to stay on top of it.


2. Pyroluria test. My son was negative on this---then later positive. Certainly changes/shifts can bring this on. Only $48 as you know, plus shipping. A significant number here and on Braintalk have this. It creates deficiencies in both b6/zinc which are key to the neuro system. For example, spectracell showed no zinc deficiency, then he tested positve for pyroluira, then another test showed high zinc deficiency, and we had to substantially increase the zinc dosage--we would never have known this.


3. Do the spit test again to see if yeast is an issue--did you ever do the Great Plains test? yeast 'waxes and wanes' and can be a major culprit--especially when food sensitivities are involved.


4. Was your son born in 2001, e.g. AFTER they took mercury from the vaccines? That is key to know in the metal discussion, plus whether he got flu vaccines with mercury. I don't see the harm in testing for metal levels (Great smokies elemental analysis) if he was exposed. Weren't his antioxidants low--(similar to my son's)? That makes him more of a candidate if he was exposed. I know your doctor has never been big on this though.


If you are doing the antioxidant supplements, our doctor feels you are pulling out the metals. Pfeiffer seems to really on zinc and sellenium for the same.


I read that though chlorella may actually contain mercury (because it will absorb it from whatever environment it is in), it doesn't release it but just absorbs more. But we have never done chlorella ourselves, so I never followed through on my research there to be super confident. Maybe try epsom salt baths? I have heard that soluble fiber pulls out mercury, maybe a tablet there?


5. As to vaccines in general--how long ago was the vaccine he got sick from--did it have mercury in it? e.g. was it the vaccine in general or maybe not the mercury? I think general immune rebuilding is the approach there...don't know more, sorry.


6. Probably more focus on digestion is good--our doctor did a test on parasites even. (negative). In that vein, maybe see if the digestive enzymes help.


7. Is your child getting enough protein and thus amino acids?


8. I know you monitor TV, but just in case...is he in a daycare situation that is now allowing TV/computer exposure (e.g. monitors on during the day) that you are unaware of? This happened to us, and at one point 2.5 years ago explained why tics were recurring. Also, my son simply got more sensitive over time, so the same level of exposure caused problems, where it used to be okay. For this, another no screens week could shed the light. But of course, this photosensitivity is just a symptom, and doesn't negate the need to look at all the other issues.


9. Finally, there are other treatment methods, e.g. the accupuncture that Chemar (and jc???) found so successful. Or the osteopath visits that helped Marina's child.


Best of luck,



Hi Andy


hmmmmm...sounds like your neuro should read this board to learn a bit more about metal toxicity and how detoxing has helped so many of our kids! :wub:


you know, one common theme I have noticed is that when a person is doing well with stabilised tics and then suddenly they flare up big time, it is often an illness/infection trigger, eg strep or another virus or parasite. that and the obvious possible food or airborne trigger.


Most of us have found that by eliminating the triggers and toxins, and building up the system, the supplements and other natural remedies just seem to work even more efficiently.


I really do recommend you trying to find an integrative doctor(one specialised in alternative medicine while being fully trained in conventional medicine too) as they just seem to have the balance needed to seek underlying causes and treat those effectively, instead of just damping the symptoms with precription meds as so many regular docs do.


hoping you find that missing link to help your child.....you are on the right path by searching so carefully



Hi Andy,


I have my son on vitamins and special diet which works wonderfully for his TS. But every year during Mar/Apr his tics seem to get out of control. It has been this way since he was diagnosed with TS almost 4 yrs ago. I have pinpointed it to allergies. (certain trees, weeds, etc) I had him tested with the skin pricks on his back 2 or 3 years ago and it pretty much matched with what I assumed. All of the things that he mostly reacted to bloom in Mar/Apr. So it could just possilby be allergies.


Best Of Luck,



Thanks for the information ladies. Claire, my son was born in 1998 and it gets me very angry when I think that a vacination shot might be responsible for this stuff.

Chemar, I will give my son the opportunity for accupunture when he gets older. From what I understand, it is the main treatment in China for this condition. Gina, today I took my son for the skin prick test. I told my wife if it turns out that something in the air here makes our son's condition worse and doesn't exisit elsewhere,, we are moving. We are not moving. He came up negative for local airborne allergies. What I am going to do is get a water filtration system. I have read where the local water changes chemically with the seasons here in SWF. This is all very expensive and for the first time in my life, I wish I made more money in a different field so perhaps I could do more for him. What I can do this week is the epsom baths. Can't hurt.

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