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Active Forms of Vitamins


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My local DAN doctor used to muscle testing using acupuncture points to help figure out what forms of vitamins to take for pyroluria. They also had me bring in the other vitamins I was taking and tested them while they were doing the others. From the testing they said that I would do better from the active forms of some vitamins rather than the nonactive forms I've been taking. So we're changing some and adding some in. Has anybody used this muscle testing before? They also said that that the glucosamine & soya lecithin I am taking didn't test. That it doesn't necessairly mean I don't need it if I'm taking it for a certain reason of course. The glucosame and soya lecithin were guessed on from another doctor 10 years ago as he didn't have any tests. I've don't think I've ever seen anything on ts and glucosamine and unsure about soya lecithin. Anyone have any ideas of why he would have suggested it? Is anyone else on these 2 for TS?



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Hi Carolyn


we didnt have the testing quite that way but had it by radiogenics, which is a similar concept but performed differently.


Anyway, my son didnt ever use glucosamine, but did take lecithin.

Lecithin is a vital component in the nervous system, and Bonnie also incorporates it into her TS plus formula.

I have seen many articles and reports on the benefits of lecithin for tics and other neurological conditions.

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