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Swine flu vaccine to be included in winter flu jab


Segment of article...


"The safety of a swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was investigated by European drugs regulators after possible links to narcolepsy, a rare condition which causes people to fall asleep suddenly.


Health officials in Finland suspended the vaccination programme in August this year following reports of narcolepsy in eight people who had received the jab.


So far there have been 27 reports of suspected narcolepsy in people across Europe who had previously been vaccinated with Pandemrix, the H1N1 swine flu vaccine made by GSK.


A further ten cases have been reported in Sweden, six in France, and one each in Germany and Norway. There have been no reported cases in Britain."



As discussed on this forum before, Narcolepsy is another autoimmune disorder in which a good amount of patients have high strep titers. Knowing this and knowing some PANDAS kids had reactions from the vaccine last year, in my opinion, this reinforces a decision not to give a PANDAS child or their siblings the flu shot this year.


My doctor is totally against all flu shots. He says that ten years of flu shots will triple your chances of getting alzheimers b/c of the mercury in the shots. We won't be getting any flu shots but we will be making sure that our d levels are good. I also have herbs from my acupuncturist that I use at the first sign of a problem. He also sells a tea that you take up to three times a day when you start to feel sick. The kids love it. Between the d and the herbs we did very well last winter even with the lyme. Its an outrage that they are pushing these shots on children.


I agree, and they are pushing them on pregnant women as well, although they have no safety studies to back them up.





Swine flu vaccine to be included in winter flu jab


Segment of article...


"The safety of a swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was investigated by European drugs regulators after possible links to narcolepsy, a rare condition which causes people to fall asleep suddenly.


Health officials in Finland suspended the vaccination programme in August this year following reports of narcolepsy in eight people who had received the jab.


So far there have been 27 reports of suspected narcolepsy in people across Europe who had previously been vaccinated with Pandemrix, the H1N1 swine flu vaccine made by GSK.


A further ten cases have been reported in Sweden, six in France, and one each in Germany and Norway. There have been no reported cases in Britain."



As discussed on this forum before, Narcolepsy is another autoimmune disorder in which a good amount of patients have high strep titers. Knowing this and knowing some PANDAS kids had reactions from the vaccine last year, in my opinion, this reinforces a decision not to give a PANDAS child or their siblings the flu shot this year.


My doctor is totally against all flu shots. He says that ten years of flu shots will triple your chances of getting alzheimers b/c of the mercury in the shots. We won't be getting any flu shots but we will be making sure that our d levels are good. I also have herbs from my acupuncturist that I use at the first sign of a problem. He also sells a tea that you take up to three times a day when you start to feel sick. The kids love it. Between the d and the herbs we did very well last winter even with the lyme. Its an outrage that they are pushing these shots on children.


Priscilla brought this article to me. Just wanted to throw out there that my Narcoleptic symptoms came BEFORE the swineflu pandemonium came around. 363 kids got it at the school I was attending at the time, me being one of them. I get ll of my required vaccines because, as I mentioned on the OMS discussion, my immune system does little more than attack my brain. I think it's just totally forgotten that it's supposed to, ya know, protect me??


Also, NONE of my sisters & brothers are vaccinated, & all but one of them, the four months old being the exception but just give her time, has had the Whooping Cough & God only knows what other primitive problems since they don't see doctors.. Point being, lazy immune systems run in my family, & even being around kids as sick as often (& as bad) as they are is reason enough for me to get vaccinated.

Now, the day they somehow come out with a strep vaccine will be a happy one.. ;)


Getting a disease will usually give you immunity for life, but not so with a vaccination. That is why they have so many boosters. For example, the DTaP vaccine is given 4 times in the first year - they started with just one, but that didn't protect, so they added another, and another. A baby born today will get 36 vaccines before the age of 18 months, including a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease, hepatitis B within hours of birth even though they have no risk factors for this disease. To top it off, the vaccine wears off on average in 5 to 7 years, long before they could possibly engage in risk factors. My son suffered encephalopathy at 9 months from his 3rd Hep B shot. He is now 12, cannot speak, and is no longer immune from Hepatitis B. So there are a lot of risks to the immune system from some vaccines with no possible benefit.


And exactly HOW the immune system is stimulalted is a huge issue with vaccinations. Adjuvants of aluminum, and the most scarey of all: oil.


A good book that describes the mechinism of action of oil based adjuvants is: VACCINE A



I would urge everyone with a compromised immune system to be especially careful with oil based adjuvant vaccines. This is a disaster waiting to happen. We really can't keep tricking our immune system so many times and expect to get away with it. Autoimmune disease/dysfuntion are the new plagues.



Priscilla brought this article to me. Just wanted to throw out there that my Narcoleptic symptoms came BEFORE the swineflu pandemonium came around. 363 kids got it at the school I was attending at the time, me being one of them. I get ll of my required vaccines because, as I mentioned on the OMS discussion, my immune system does little more than attack my brain. I think it's just totally forgotten that it's supposed to, ya know, protect me??


Also, NONE of my sisters & brothers are vaccinated, & all but one of them, the four months old being the exception but just give her time, has had the Whooping Cough & God only knows what other primitive problems since they don't see doctors.. Point being, lazy immune systems run in my family, & even being around kids as sick as often (& as bad) as they are is reason enough for me to get vaccinated.

Now, the day they somehow come out with a strep vaccine will be a happy one.. ;)


Oh that is horrible about the vaccine. My neighbor said the hep vaccine in the hospital turned her daughter blue- and she was born healthy with a good apgar score. Just the fact that they have increased the number of vaccines exponentially since we were kids(those of us over 40 at least) should frighten everyone. We won't be getting the recommended vaccines for our 11 and 13 year olds such as meningitis, the one for girls against HPV and the repeat tetanus either. Isn't it so disingenuous for them to say they have taken the mercury out of the vaccines and they have really just reduced the amount of mercury? The vaccines are not "mercury free" but low mercury. And as yiu have pointed out they have so many other toxins in them like aluminum. It is also pretty bad that they do not tell parents that the flu shots are exceptions-the mercury has not been lowered on these like it has for other vaccines. AND they pushed parents to get two flu shots for kids last year-for the regular flu and then for swine flu. I think these shots required two shots each, didn't they? I read that some of the people at the CDC who decide what vaccines kids need are too close to drug companies. People making these decisions should not benefit in any way from the increased vaccinations they are recommending. How is your son now? I am so sorry to hear what happened to him. There will be ###### to pay in the future for what they are allowing to be done to kids vaccine wise as well as all the chemicals in the food that are allowed by the FDA (msg, fake flavors, etc.)


Thanks lyme mom, he is doing fairly OK right now. He had a big setback the last few years with rages, mania, tics, and OCD. Nothing ever came up on testing, including the initial Igenex screen, so our DAN started him on high dose Amoxicillin and Ketoconazole to see if that might help. And it did! He made about a 75% improvement, so now we are full steam ahead and have recently started Augmentin. He still has major mania with rages if he has a food infraction, but overall he is doing a lot better lately. We are cautious, but hopeful.


And you are definitely right about the small group of people that make vaccine decisions for the entire country. They all have massive conflicts of interests, with Paul Offit being the number one spokesmodel:



The former head of the CDC, who promoted vaccines and denied the link to autism during most of the 2000's in now a big wig at Merck, in their (drum roll please) Vaccine Division! Oh, payback pays SO well!



Oh that is horrible about the vaccine. My neighbor said the hep vaccine in the hospital turned her daughter blue- and she was born healthy with a good apgar score. Just the fact that they have increased the number of vaccines exponentially since we were kids(those of us over 40 at least) should frighten everyone. We won't be getting the recommended vaccines for our 11 and 13 year olds such as meningitis, the one for girls against HPV and the repeat tetanus either. Isn't it so disingenuous for them to say they have taken the mercury out of the vaccines and they have really just reduced the amount of mercury? The vaccines are not "mercury free" but low mercury. And as yiu have pointed out they have so many other toxins in them like aluminum. It is also pretty bad that they do not tell parents that the flu shots are exceptions-the mercury has not been lowered on these like it has for other vaccines. AND they pushed parents to get two flu shots for kids last year-for the regular flu and then for swine flu. I think these shots required two shots each, didn't they? I read that some of the people at the CDC who decide what vaccines kids need are too close to drug companies. People making these decisions should not benefit in any way from the increased vaccinations they are recommending. How is your son now? I am so sorry to hear what happened to him. There will be ###### to pay in the future for what they are allowing to be done to kids vaccine wise as well as all the chemicals in the food that are allowed by the FDA (msg, fake flavors, etc.)


Speaking of vaccines, here is an article from our local paper from last year about a girl in our community related to the HPV vaccine:




There is probably a lot in this article that many PANDAS parents/kids can relate to. (How the doctors did not listen to the possibility that the vaccine was the problem, how she was so healthy and athletic until she had the vaccine, the social isolation that she went through. etc.)


I did not know this girl personally but she attended the same elementary school/middle school my kids attend and I think that made it hit home for me.


Of course I am not an expert but the logic of the HPV vaccine does not make sense to me. In particular, the HPV vaccine only protects against a couple of the viruses that cause cervical cancer, not all of them. Also, the way I understand it, if young women get there yearly OB/GYN check up and something is found to abnormal with the pap smear it can caught early and be treated before it turns cancerous. I would feel differently and possibly worth the risk if it was a cancer that can grow without being detected.


Excellent point Vickie. And what really, REALLY scares me is the push to close all vaccine exemption laws. There are various bills popping up in many states to do this, and already two states (West Virginia and Mississippi) don't have either Religious or Philosophical exemptions for their citizens. They only have a medical exemption law, which is almost impossible to get because doctors who write these face big harrassment and threats from their medical boards and the Public Health boards.


Can you imagine the day when a strep vaccine is introduced, and you are told that your child MUST have it or can't attend school? And oh by the way, along with the strep vaccine, your child has to be "caught up" on 30 or 40 other vaccines as well! And there is even talk to close the "loophole" for kids that are homeschooled, so they will have to be vaccinated by force as well.


These are very real threats. Our rights are very fragile as it is, and the AMA has stated the the repeal of exemption laws are a top goal for them. Maybe some of you think I am an alarmist, but I wish that were the case. Public Health and BigPharma has big muscle to get their way, and the majority of the public buys into it. As we speak, health care workers are being forced against their will to get the flu vaccine, or to lose their jobs. Even workers that don't have contact with patients. Who is next? That is the very definition of Human Rights Violation, to be blackmailed, bullied and coereced into being injected with biologicals against your will - and not too many people seem to care. This does not bode well for the rights of our children.


The day they come out with a strep vaccine (which there is one in the works) is the day I will have more fear than ever. A vaccine causes antibodies to be produced. If a child gets a strep vaccine, it will create strep antibodies. Well, we knows what happens when a PANDAS child creates strep antibodies. Then, I imagine, what if that strep vaccine is live? OMG. I can't even think about that right now.....



Now, the day they somehow come out with a strep vaccine will be a happy one.. ;)


That is just heartbreaking. Especially when this girl says she is afraid to go asleep because she fears she will never wake up!


Speaking of vaccines, here is an article from our local paper from last year about a girl in our community related to the HPV vaccine:




There is probably a lot in this article that many PANDAS parents/kids can relate to. (How the doctors did not listen to the possibility that the vaccine was the problem, how she was so healthy and athletic until she had the vaccine, the social isolation that she went through. etc.)


I did not know this girl personally but she attended the same elementary school/middle school my kids attend and I think that made it hit home for me.


Of course I am not an expert but the logic of the HPV vaccine does not make sense to me. In particular, the HPV vaccine only protects against a couple of the viruses that cause cervical cancer, not all of them. Also, the way I understand it, if young women get there yearly OB/GYN check up and something is found to abnormal with the pap smear it can caught early and be treated before it turns cancerous. I would feel differently and possibly worth the risk if it was a cancer that can grow without being detected.


Me too! That one quote sums everything up perfectly! I love Barbara, and am a proud member of the NVIC! :wub:



This is one quote I love....


‎". . . If the State can tag, track down and force citizens against their will to be injected with biologicals of unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." ~ Barbara Loe Fisher, President - National Vaccine Information Center



Excellent point Vickie. And what really, REALLY scares me is the push to close all vaccine exemption laws. There are various bills popping up in many states to do this, and already two states (West Virginia and Mississippi) don't have either Religious or Philosophical exemptions for their citizens. They only have a medical exemption law, which is almost impossible to get because doctors who write these face big harrassment and threats from their medical boards and the Public Health boards.


Can you imagine the day when a strep vaccine is introduced, and you are told that your child MUST have it or can't attend school? And oh by the way, along with the strep vaccine, your child has to be "caught up" on 30 or 40 other vaccines as well! And there is even talk to close the "loophole" for kids that are homeschooled, so they will have to be vaccinated by force as well.


These are very real threats. Our rights are very fragile as it is, and the AMA has stated the the repeal of exemption laws are a top goal for them. Maybe some of you think I am an alarmist, but I wish that were the case. Public Health and BigPharma has big muscle to get their way, and the majority of the public buys into it. As we speak, health care workers are being forced against their will to get the flu vaccine, or to lose their jobs. Even workers that don't have contact with patients. Who is next? That is the very definition of Human Rights Violation, to be blackmailed, bullied and coereced into being injected with biologicals against your will - and not too many people seem to care. This does not bode well for the rights of our children.




Thanks lyme mom, he is doing fairly OK right now. He had a big setback the last few years with rages, mania, tics, and OCD. Nothing ever came up on testing, including the initial Igenex screen, so our DAN started him on high dose Amoxicillin and Ketoconazole to see if that might help. And it did! He made about a 75% improvement, so now we are full steam ahead and have recently started Augmentin. He still has major mania with rages if he has a food infraction, but overall he is doing a lot better lately. We are cautious, but hopeful.


And you are definitely right about the small group of people that make vaccine decisions for the entire country. They all have massive conflicts of interests, with Paul Offit being the number one spokesmodel:



The former head of the CDC, who promoted vaccines and denied the link to autism during most of the 2000's in now a big wig at Merck, in their (drum roll please) Vaccine Division! Oh, payback pays SO well!



Oh that is horrible about the vaccine. My neighbor said the hep vaccine in the hospital turned her daughter blue- and she was born healthy with a good apgar score. Just the fact that they have increased the number of vaccines exponentially since we were kids(those of us over 40 at least) should frighten everyone. We won't be getting the recommended vaccines for our 11 and 13 year olds such as meningitis, the one for girls against HPV and the repeat tetanus either. Isn't it so disingenuous for them to say they have taken the mercury out of the vaccines and they have really just reduced the amount of mercury? The vaccines are not "mercury free" but low mercury. And as yiu have pointed out they have so many other toxins in them like aluminum. It is also pretty bad that they do not tell parents that the flu shots are exceptions-the mercury has not been lowered on these like it has for other vaccines. AND they pushed parents to get two flu shots for kids last year-for the regular flu and then for swine flu. I think these shots required two shots each, didn't they? I read that some of the people at the CDC who decide what vaccines kids need are too close to drug companies. People making these decisions should not benefit in any way from the increased vaccinations they are recommending. How is your son now? I am so sorry to hear what happened to him. There will be ###### to pay in the future for what they are allowing to be done to kids vaccine wise as well as all the chemicals in the food that are allowed by the FDA (msg, fake flavors, etc.)

I am so glad to hear that your son is doing better! Thanks for the links too. I will read them. This is really an outrage. The conflict of interest is very similar to the conflict that the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) has with lyme. Some panel members testify on behalf of insurance companies in denying claims for medical treatment for lyme. Others have financial conflicts of interest with the old definition of lyme (tests, failed vaccine, etc.). This should disqualify them from being on the panel that decides what the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment are. I am very concerned about the hostility in the medical community regarding differences of opinion whether it be about vaccinations or about lyme. Many doctors take it personally if they think a patient should not be treated for lyme. The arrogance is shocking. BTW my son was tested for antibodies to either measles or mumps by dr jones and he doesn't have any of one of them (can't remember which). Dr Jones told me to get the vaccination but I have put it off. My son had all the MMR vaccines but it looks like they didn't work. My holistic MD said I should get the missing vaccine as a single shot as long as it is mercury free. My son is not sick (was treated for lyme over a year ago and was never that sick). What do you think about this?


Not producing antibodies to one of the MMR components, usually measles, despite having all of the shots, comes up a lot in my crowd. If he has had all the required doses and still tests negative, his body is not able to mount the proper response, and further vaccines may not help. And MMR is one of the biggies as far as adverse events. In order of what I usually see problems are: MMR, DTaP, Hep B, and Flu.


There is good reason to want to split up the MMR components, but because parents were wanting seperate shots, the manufacturer actually STOPED producing the seperate ones! Many feel that if it was shown that giving them seperately was safer, then that would give more proof to those who say they have been injured by MMR.


Measles is a serious disease. If my kids were not already vaccine injured, I would give the separated measles vaccine. But if my choice was the MMR or no vaccine, I would not do the MMR. It is just too dangerous (and ofcourse, I know so many of its victims personally). It is hard to shake the image of what it has done to so many kids. Here is one more link. It is important to read if you get the chance, not just because of the fact that this young man (Josh) was injured as a toddler by the MMR - what is really shocking is how he and his family was treated after:


I can never forget about him, his story is sunk into my brain forever.


Yes, it is an outrage how medicine is really controlled by only a small group of people, and how what is allowable to be treated and what is not, is dictated down the chain of command. Lyme doctors are well known in my autism groups as heros! When you think about how long and how much money and sweat and tears goes into being a doctor, it takes a lot of guts and heart to stick your neck out for the well being of your patients. Most doctors would and do not do it. So those that do are really special people because they risk a lot!




Thanks lyme mom, he is doing fairly OK right now. He had a big setback the last few years with rages, mania, tics, and OCD. Nothing ever came up on testing, including the initial Igenex screen, so our DAN started him on high dose Amoxicillin and Ketoconazole to see if that might help. And it did! He made about a 75% improvement, so now we are full steam ahead and have recently started Augmentin. He still has major mania with rages if he has a food infraction, but overall he is doing a lot better lately. We are cautious, but hopeful.


And you are definitely right about the small group of people that make vaccine decisions for the entire country. They all have massive conflicts of interests, with Paul Offit being the number one spokesmodel:



The former head of the CDC, who promoted vaccines and denied the link to autism during most of the 2000's in now a big wig at Merck, in their (drum roll please) Vaccine Division! Oh, payback pays SO well!



Oh that is horrible about the vaccine. My neighbor said the hep vaccine in the hospital turned her daughter blue- and she was born healthy with a good apgar score. Just the fact that they have increased the number of vaccines exponentially since we were kids(those of us over 40 at least) should frighten everyone. We won't be getting the recommended vaccines for our 11 and 13 year olds such as meningitis, the one for girls against HPV and the repeat tetanus either. Isn't it so disingenuous for them to say they have taken the mercury out of the vaccines and they have really just reduced the amount of mercury? The vaccines are not "mercury free" but low mercury. And as yiu have pointed out they have so many other toxins in them like aluminum. It is also pretty bad that they do not tell parents that the flu shots are exceptions-the mercury has not been lowered on these like it has for other vaccines. AND they pushed parents to get two flu shots for kids last year-for the regular flu and then for swine flu. I think these shots required two shots each, didn't they? I read that some of the people at the CDC who decide what vaccines kids need are too close to drug companies. People making these decisions should not benefit in any way from the increased vaccinations they are recommending. How is your son now? I am so sorry to hear what happened to him. There will be ###### to pay in the future for what they are allowing to be done to kids vaccine wise as well as all the chemicals in the food that are allowed by the FDA (msg, fake flavors, etc.)

I am so glad to hear that your son is doing better! Thanks for the links too. I will read them. This is really an outrage. The conflict of interest is very similar to the conflict that the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) has with lyme. Some panel members testify on behalf of insurance companies in denying claims for medical treatment for lyme. Others have financial conflicts of interest with the old definition of lyme (tests, failed vaccine, etc.). This should disqualify them from being on the panel that decides what the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment are. I am very concerned about the hostility in the medical community regarding differences of opinion whether it be about vaccinations or about lyme. Many doctors take it personally if they think a patient should not be treated for lyme. The arrogance is shocking. BTW my son was tested for antibodies to either measles or mumps by dr jones and he doesn't have any of one of them (can't remember which). Dr Jones told me to get the vaccination but I have put it off. My son had all the MMR vaccines but it looks like they didn't work. My holistic MD said I should get the missing vaccine as a single shot as long as it is mercury free. My son is not sick (was treated for lyme over a year ago and was never that sick). What do you think about this?

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