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:wacko: Hi. I am new here but have been reading without posting for a few weeks. My 7 year old son has TS, OCD, ADHD, tics. The neuro told us to go to family counseling to try to control his behavior and so we can learn how to deal with his depression and overall crappy behavior. It seems like whenever I'm around he acts like total $***, especially when people come to visit or he's with other kids. I keep telling myself he's still a 7 year old boy, disorders or not, but it's very hard to try not to explode when every other word is 'whatever' and will argue for a very lond time about anything before giving in and just getting it over with. The neuro gave us clonodine (sp?) to get him to sleep at night because he has stayed up literally ALL NIGHT arguing about having the TV on, sleeping in my room, OCD includes me fixing his covers EVERY TIME HE MOVES and they are not totally flat. (I tuck them into the mattress now :) ) So if anyone can help with which type of family therapy we need, please lemme know. Psychologis, psychiatrist, behavior therapy, etc. Thanx!

I know nothing about therapy, sorry but here is my other input:


I think that resolving the sleep issue may go a long way toward the daytime issues. Their poor little nervous systems can't handle the sleep deprivation that many of them face because they can't 'turn it off'.


Melatonin (over the counter) in my opinion is much better/safer than clonadine. (I am not a doctor and definitely biased against drugs). Melatonin completely solved our sleep issues (though my sister and mom tried it and it did nothing for them). Does your son sleep with a night light? That keeps the body from producing sufficient melatonin for sleep. 5HTP and Inositol works for others. I would strongly encourage you to consider some of these over the counter methods instead of clonadine.


Also, I assume you have had a swab done for a strep virus, in case this is a PANDAS situation?


You have a TV in his room? I absolutely would have that break and disappear for good from his room. Studies about TV/tics aren't there, but there have definitely been studies done showing that TV/computer/video close to bedtime interferes with SLEEP.


And I assume if you have been reading that you have eliminated artificial ingredients from his diet--they can definitely impact sleep readiness, even hours later. Same with food sensitivities.


I don't see therapy as the first step -that is more controlling his urges and how can it help him sleep? I would take take of what is toxic in his little body first.






it is very good as Claire has suggested that you should help your child by trying to stabilise his system as much as possible.


However, if you do have a firm dx of TS OCD and ADD then I fully sympathise with your frustrations. The way you describe his reactions to the bedding makes me also think there is SID (Sensory Integration Dysfunction)

the more you read here, the more useful info you will find on the many things that we have all found to help our children.


I would strongly advocate the counselling tho as well......just be sure to interview the therapist first by either just you or you and your husband(?) going first, then go with the child who has TS and then maybe family group sessions.

Usually a psychologist is the best choice, and all the better to find one who is familiar with TS. You didnt mention where you are located, but if in the US you could try checking with Dr Duncan McKinley at www.lifesatwitch.com to see if he (a psycologist who also has TS) can recommend anyone in your area. He is a very special person!

Cognitive behavioural therapy is excellent for OCD, but your child may be a little young for that.


I honestly feel that a combination of healthy diet, supplements, reduced tic triggers and counselling are the best therapy, and medicines should be a last resort.


here is an article on tic triggers to give you some pointers there



do be encouraged......my son had very severe TS/OCD/ADD/SID when he was 10 and now, at age 15, he is a remarkable young man with very mild tics and a very full and happy life.

I have written a thread about the natural treatments that we used to help him so maybe that can also give you some tips




all the best and do stay in touch


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