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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, I have very high titers of coxsackie a/b, mycoplasma p, EBV, HHV-6, and was rx'd Valtrex by Dr T. I started it last week for a few days (took half dose for 2 days, then full dose for 1 or 2 days?) and then stopped due to what I thought might be side effects. In general I was noticing an increase in anxiety and emotional lability. It's certainly possible this was coincidental and not related to Valtrex - I don't know. I really want to give it a try though and see if it helps me - Dr T wants me to too (we're hoping by reducing titers my anxiety/OCD sx will improve). Anyone out there with good, bad, or indifferent experiences?? How long did you take it and when did you notice improvement? Thank you all so much...
  2. I'm hoping some of you can weigh in on this. Our 11 year old dd was first diagnosed in Oct 2014 following sudden and severe onset of separation anxiety and mild ticing. She has been on home tutoring the entire school year as we wait for her symptoms to improve. Initially the only positive test was for mycoplasma but as we visited additional docs and had more testing other issues emerged. Dr Ts testing revealed high Coxsakie B IgG titres and high IgE titres. Follow up testing revealed no allergies or parasites, the typical cause of elevated IgE. After 2 months of Zithromax, 1 month of Biaxin, and 2 weeks of Levaquin along with a large variety of supplements we saw no improvement and decided to get another perspective...though Dr T was great and we will likely seek his opinion again in the future. In the meantime we are now seeing Dr B in the Hudson Valley who is much closer to home and has been fantastic. Thinking we should have seen some progress he ordered up even more tests. Despite previous negative Lyme tests (Elisa and Labcorp) she is positive on the Igenex test and also came back positive for Anti-DNase B Strep antibodies and high HHV 6 antibodies. Dr B changed her to minocycline for the Mycoplasma and added Ceftin for the Lyme. What is especially confounding is that she is essentially physically asymptomatic with just occasional mild headaches and mild lethargy. Meanwhile her psychiatric symptoms have been pretty severe. She seems to have an immune system that is just not functioning properly. If anyone has dealt with PANS/PANDAS with multifaceted triggers I'd love to hear about your experience, your doctors theories, and treatment options....thanks!
  3. Hi all, I received some results back today that I think might shed some light on the severe anxiety / OCD I've been dealing with for...years. Anyone out there with similar results and/or experiences?? Coxsackie A IgG/IgM Antibody Coxsackie A7 IgG 1:800 High titer Neg:<1:100 Coxsackie A9 IgG 1:1600 High titer Neg:<1:100 Coxsackie A16 IgG 1:1600 High titer Neg:<1:100 Coxsackie A24 IgG 1:1600 High titer Neg:<1:100 Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies Coxsackie B Virus, Type 1 1:320 High <1:10 Coxsackie B Virus, Type 2 1:80 High <1:10 Coxsackie B Virus, Type 3 1:160 High <1:10 Coxsackie B Virus, Type 5 1:160 High <1:10 Coxsackie B Virus, Type 6 1:80 High <1:10 Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum 764 mg/dL 700 - 1600 IgG, Subclass 1 408 Low mg/dL 422 - 1292 M pneumoniae IgG Abs 549 High U/mL 0 - 99 Negative: <100 Indeterminate: 100 - 320 Positive: >320 Immunoglobulin E Total 3 (LOW END) IU/mL 0 - 100
  4. Hi We are battling a sons tics - getting all sorts of tests done - looking at Lyme, coxsackie, myco etc. While we will do everything in our power, I just need some assurance that this has worked for some people - that there are others who have put their children through all kinds of ABX medications, anti vitals etc and achieved success. I realize only folks who are still struggling stay on in the forums but I am hoping you have heard of success and that there are some of you who have achieved it. Just need to hear of some happy endings!
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