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  1. Hi, I'm glad I found this forum, seems like a very resourceful forum, so I'm hoping that I can get my questions answered. A bit about myself - I'm a 39 year-old male, diagnosed with TS around 7-8 years old. I have taken meds like haldol and catapress (sp?) and both turned me into a vegetable, as I kept falling asleep, and couldn't focus too well. Since about 11, I stopped taking meds altogether, and my symptoms have been a bit of roller coaster ever since. My main symptoms are facial tics, muscle tensing in the neck and shoulders, forced breathing, and repeating words and/or actions until I 'get it right'. At times, it can be taxing to the body, as i feel muscle aches and pains. I do try and stay active and try to workout on a consistent basis, as well as maintain a healthy-ish diet, which helps. I have been reading a ton of articles about magnesium and b complex to be main supplements to possible assist in reducing TS symptoms. I talked to my doctor about trying supplements, and he told me that it sholdn't be a problem. He recommended that I take between 400-420 mg of magnesium, coupled with a b complex bill for a couple of months and see how I react to that. I also take 5000 IUs of vitamin D3, since i hvae a deficiency there as well. So with that info, I then found that there are different types of magnesium that are better absorbed by the body. Based on several forums and articles, it seems as though magnesium glycinate is a good choice for tourettes. I also discovered that magnesium is easily attainable through natural foods (leafy greens, nuts, seeds), and shouldn't be too hard to reach the recommended 400-420 mg per day. So my question is, is it better to just get your dose from natural foods, or better from the supplement? Also, would it be feasible if i switched it up between natural foods some days and supplement on others? Sorry for all the babble, any thoughts, adivce or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!
  2. Would appreciate feedback on Dr. Murphy. I'm a 48yo woman with a recently diagnosed 16yo (PANDAS). Trying to find any support I can as I realize I've been suffering in silence with similar symptoms, especially attention, brain fog, executive fxn. My own handwriting is diminishing before my eyes. Thanks for your help.
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