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Everything posted by petie_tk

  1. My son was doing great about 2 months post Strep from Antibiotics, Steroid Burst and low doses of an SSRI and an Anti-psychotic. The PANDAS OCD was gone for about 1 week and then he got a fever and virus that caused the PANDAS symptoms to get exacerbated again. Does anyone know about this syndrome? Do the symptoms recur with every virus post PANDAS even if it's not a strep throat infection. How do you permanently get rid of PANDAS? How do you differentiate between the mental/emotional triggers and the PANDAS triggers?
  2. My son went on 500 mg. of Zithromax every day for a few weeks and the Prednisone Burst plus SSRI Prozac(10 mg.) and .25 Risperdone. He was doing great but backpedalled yesterday from a new virus and fever:(

  3. My son had a positive Streptozyme, and negative ASO and anti-Dnase. We did a mix of Antibiotics and a Prednisone Steroid Burst as well as a low dose of an SSRI(Prozac) and a low dose of an anti-psychotic(Risperdone). It worked for my son. One hundred percent he had PANDAS. The ASO test being negative doesn't mean he doesn't have it. My son had a fear of contamination which is now gone f...

  4. My son has made a great recover with ABX(500 mg. per day for several weeks of Zithromax), a Prednisone Steroid Burst, Prozac(10 mg.) and Risperdone(.25 mg.) - it does go away so hange in there - make sure to check for Co-viruses and Co-Infections:) Streptozyme, Anti-DNAase Test and ASO Titers test as well as check for Herpes Virus and Epstein Barr Virus as well as Lymes Disease.
  5. The UK did a good PANDAS Article today in the UK and you can view it online - though it has some spelling errors, it is very medically informative re: PANDAS and it's validity! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2070278/My-son-strep-throat-infection--week-later-developed-OCD.html?ITO=1490
  6. Brody was in a scary place - thoughts of hurting himself, handwashing and sanitizing over and over and constant showers, not touching things, not hugging, etc. but now with antibiotics, steroids, psychiatric medicine, supplements, he is now doing 80% better! Boogie Su was a big help.
  7. Thank you!!! How adorable is Brody??? And Boogie???? (of course, you are lovely too!)
  8. I am very excited by the article - this is my me and my son Brody in the photo! We have been thru a terrible episode of PANDAS following his recent Strep infection. I was happy to participate in the article which is trying to help get the word out on PANDAS and increase Awareness!
  9. Does anyone know of a good PANDAS/OCD Psychiatrist who is in Los Angeles County or who does Telepsychiatry appointments(via phone or Skype)? My son is on 10 mg. of Prozac which has done wonders on his mood. To address the excess of Dopamine, he was taking 2.5 mg. of Zyprexa but gained too much weight(8 lbs. in 2 weeks) so the doctor switched him to Abilify but it's not really helping. It makes him hot all the time and he is now having difficulty urinating. We were thinking of trying Risperdone...does anyone have any input with Zyprexa vs. Risperdone vs. Abilify for the OCD / PANDAS?
  10. Does anyone know of a good PANDAS Psychiatrist who is in Los Angeles County or who does Telepsychiatry appointments(via phone or Skype)? My son is on 10 mg. of Prozac which has done wonders on his mood. To address the excess of Dopamine, he was taking 2.5 mg. of Zyprexa but gained too much weight(8 lbs. in 2 weeks) so the doctor switched him to Abilify but it's not really helping. It makes him hot all the time and he is now having difficulty urinating. We were thinking of trying Risperdone...does anyone have any input with Zyprexa vs. Risperdone vs. Abilify for the OCD / PANDAS?
  11. My son had Strep Throat Oct. 11, 2011 and quickly exhibited OCD symptoms within a week which worsened as the weeks have passed. He was diagnosed with a severe case of PANDAS thru Dr. Thomas Lin in Irvine and went on high doses of Antibiotics and a Prednisone Steroid Burst but I didn't see much improvement. Prozac did wonders for the Depression and Anxiety (10 mg.) and has improved his mood greatly. The OCD was not getting better though as he has a major fear of contamination so we added Zyprexa to the mix(2.5 mg) which after 1-1/2 weeks got rid of a great deal of the OCD. Unfortunately, he gained 8 lbs. in two weeks so the doctor is now switching him to Abilify(2 mg.). He's only taken it for 1 night at that dose and his OCD returned once he weaned off Zyprexa. Hopefully the Abilify will work the same and kick in within 1 week or so. If not, we might try Risperidone and hope it doesn't cause as much weight gain as the Zyprexa. If the Abilify or Risperidone don't work, we'll have to put him back on Zyprexa temporarily. My son does have elevated EBV Titers so we are trying to figure out a natural remedy to address that. The Strep is completely erradicated but the antibodies did the damage and created this madness. We live in Santa Clarita in So. Calif and there aren't many doctors in the area that are PANDAS experts...please feel free to recommend, especially psychiatrists. I have heard Dr. Goldberg is a great immunologist but he has a huge waitlist. Dr. Roger Katz is excellent to test and address allergies. Please advise of any input on doctors in Los Angeles County near the San Fernando Valley or Santa Clarita Valley as well as input on medicines. Which medicine or anti-viral addresses elevated EBV test results?. Are there any natural remedies for PANDAS?
  12. My son had Strep Throat Oct. 11, 2011 and quickly exhibited OCD symptoms within a week which worsened as the weeks have passed. He was diagnosed with a severe case of PANDAS thru Dr. Thomas Lin in Irvine and went on high doses of Antibiotics and a Prednisone Steroid Burst but I didn't see much improvement. Prozac did wonders for the Depression and Anxiety (10 mg.) and has improved his mood greatly. The OCD was not getting better though as he has a major fear of contamination so we added Zyprexa to the mix(2.5 mg) which after 1-1/2 weeks got rid of a great deal of the OCD. Unfortunately, he gained 8 lbs. in two weeks so the doctor is now switching him to Abilify(2 mg.). He's only taken it for 1 night at that dose and his OCD returned once he weaned off Zyprexa. Hopefully the Abilify will work the same and kick in within 1 week or so. If not, we might try Risperidone and hope it doesn't cause as much weight gain as the Zyprexa. If the Abilify or Risperidone don't work, we'll have to put him back on Zyprexa temporarily. My son does have elevated EBV Titers so we are trying to figure out a natural remedy to address that. The Strep is completely erradicated but the antibodies did the damage and created this madness. We live in Santa Clarita in So. Calif and there aren't many doctors in the area that are PANDAS experts.
  13. Check Dr. Michael Goldberg's website under the NIDS tab for recommended tests to check for co-viruses and infections.
  14. Is there a phone support group for PANDAS for moms to chat with each other?
  15. HAS ANYONE HELPED TREAT THE OCD FROM PANDAS with PSYCHIATRIC MEDS for Compulsive Handwashing and Fear of Contamination - if so, which ones and in what dose?
  16. We live in Santa Clarita - where do they do IVIG in Los Angeles and surrounding cities? Besides PANDAS, what type of co-infections or viruses could my son have? We already ruled out LYMES disease.
  17. What is the difference between PANDAS & PITANDS?
  18. Who have forum members found expert in psychiatric treatment of PANDAS - we use Dr. Lin as the MD but need a PANDAS/OCD Psychiatrist for the meds...please advise. We live in Santa Clarita, CA in Los Angeles County.
  19. To reduce the anxiety and OCD in PANDAS patients - what medicines have other forum members' children been prescribed? My son is now on 10 mg. of Prozac for the depression/anxiety and it is helping to reduce depression but hasn't yet helped with the anxiety nor OCD. Has anyone's child been on meds for anxiety - we have given my son .25 mg. of Ativan for emergency panic attacks but it can be addictive and I prefer not to treat him with it. Has anyone's child been on Buspar for the PANDAS/OCD? What about Atypical Antipsychotic meds like Respiradone or Zyprexa? Also, what doses of the meds is your child on and what is working to alleviate the OCD and what is working to alleviate the anxiety?
  20. I feel for you. With one of the illnesses alone, it is hard to deal with. My son has PANDAS and is being tested for LYMES and I had to pull him temporarily from school on a temp home study. I wish you the best and hope the school gets on board. The bullying should not be tolerated!
  21. My son was diagnosed with PANDAS and had exacerbated OCD with sudden onset following a recent strep throat infection. He is now under the care of many specialists including Dr. Thomas Lin of Irvine, CA (UCLA Board Certified Pediatric MD). We are also now testing for Lymes Disease as well. For Exposure Therapy, we will be seeing Dr. Eric Li in Brentwood, CA. For psychiatric meds, Dr. Yacoub in Northridge. For children's therapy in Santa Clarita, CA...Sally Jo Liljedahl. I am now seeking a support group for OCD (perhaps a parent/child group) in Santa Clarita, CA - any suggestions? Regarding meds, my son is now on high doses of Zithromax(500 mg), Prednisone(dose varies each week), Prozac(10 mg) and Probiotics(50 billion). Any info. that is helpful is appreciated. Also, does anyone have a child on a psychiatric medicine to control the OCD thoughts or a med to help with the anxiety?
  22. My son was diagnosed with PANDAS and had exacerbated OCD with sudden onset following a recent strep throat infection. He is now under the care of many specialists including Dr. Thomas Lin of Irvine, CA (UCLA Board Certified Pediatric MD). We are also now testing for Lymes Disease as well. For Exposure Therapy, we will be seeing Dr. Eric Li in Brentwood, CA. For psychiatric meds, Dr. Yacoub in Northridge. For children's therapy in Santa Clarita, CA...Sally Jo Liljedahl. I am now seeking a support group for OCD (perhaps a parent/child group) in Santa Clarita, CA - any suggestions? Regarding meds, my son is now on high doses of Zithromax(500 mg), Prednisone(dose varies each week), Prozac(10 mg) and Probiotics(50 billion). Any info. that is helpful is apppreciated.
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