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  1. I figured that out myself within the first few days of making the decision to cut out dairy. He didn't like the rice cheese at first, but after a few days, he started asking for it, and then he asked and asked, plus he had bad breath again, and so I became suspicious and looked at the package and saw casein listed. It was only lactose free.
  2. It's genetic in his case. Both my husband and I have various TS symptoms, etc. My firstborn has mild stuttering and has had other mild tics, but he does pretty well if I just give him nutritional supplements in addition to his good diet. They are all high-functioning. I actually use these forums, because I like to do all I can to avoid synthetic prescription medications. We only use them for extreme circumstances. The Latitudes homepage says: So, that's why I'm here. Not everyone loves conventional medicine for everything. I do appreciate your suggestions, though. I just do not like to do anything unnecessary or something that may be more harmful than helpful. Cutting out the dairy with him helped a lot. I've taken steps to work out these other issues, and he's not been that bad.
  3. Last year, my older son ticced more when exposed to chlorine in the past. I have both of my boys in swimming lessons right now, and I hope to get through it all right. I'm giving them extra vitamin C.
  4. He definitely is casein intolerant, to make a long story short. I cut out wheat and gluten for a week. I did it for him, my older son, and myself (plus I'm nursing my daughter), and I don't think any of us have a problem with gluten. The times my son has had something accidentally with casein in it, even the smallest amount, he has had the sewer breath return and has had terrible tantrums. It takes 2.5 to 3 days for it to all go away. Although things are much better without the casein (and btw, I give him Daiya cheese now, thanks again!), he still is so negative about everything, shouts obscenities, shouts "I hate you," when he gets in trouble for something, and he's violent and disrespectful to us all. :-( He's just three years old. He tells his nearly-seven-year-old brother that he is going to kill him when he gets angry at him. We don't watch tv in our home, but we do watch movies, but I keep a highly moral home, and he's exposed to very little violence. I do not have him in a preschool or anything like that (I actually home school). So, this is upsetting to me. What else can I do? I have him back on a multivitamin, specifically Mercola's vitamins for kids (I'm against any iron-containing vitamin). I give him extra vitamin C. I'm thinking of finding a high-magnesium kids vitamin. I'd bought Bonnie's TS+ vitamins for my older son some time ago, but neither of them can swallow vitamins, and there's no way to mix that much into something where it's agreeable. Drugs are a LAST resort, especially manufactured ones. I'd use homeopathic things or the illegal herb before manufactured pharma drugs. So, is there ANYTHING else I can try to TAME him? I've used something before called Valerian Super Calm, but it seemed to have no effect. I haven't used it in awhile, though, so I'm going to try it again. I'm also going to do a metal detox, though he has not been exposed to any, except from my own body during pregnancy and nursing. I detoxed my older son, but I've not tried it on him, except for one or two clay baths well over a year ago. In the meantime, though, I'd love to have other suggestions, in case none of this works to help.
  5. Thank you! That's very interesting about the zinc. I'm going to the natural food store today to get some cal-mag-zinc supplements for myself, so I'll see whether I can find some of this. Thanks for the Daiya link, too. God bless you.
  6. Thanks for asking. He's been going w/o dairy, and I'm thinking it must really be helping with his sleep, b/c just three or four days after the change he started waking up even earlier in the morning, before his brother, whereas they'd get up about the same time before. I'm guessing it must be b/c he's sleeping better through the night; I hope, anyway. His breath is still bad, but I think it may be getting better. I have looked for tonsil stones, and I thought I saw just one on his left side the other day, but it's hard to see back there, b/c he won't cooperate well with his tongue. I later got some wet cotton swabs to wipe back there, as I read people have sometimes been successful in removing them that way. Well, I couldn't ever get him to cooperate well enough that time around to even see. I did rub them around in the right area. I've since seen back there better, but I don't see anything. Either there is nothing there and possibly never was, or I did remove that one, but he would have swallowed it, if that's the case. Anyway, I'm adding dairy-free digestive enyzmes and probiotics to his coconut-milk-based yogurt. It seems his hyperactivity and behavior has improved a bit, but it's not a big enough change for me to be sure. I have to give it more time. Oh! He definitely stopped asking for dairy all day, every day. That must be a good sign. How is your daughter?
  7. Thanks. Yes, I've had a systemic candida problem myself. What has worked well for me is a product called Threelac, but it has casein and lactose in it, so I realize in order to cut out the dairy for my son, I can't give him that. I do give him yogurt, though. I am now buying dairy- and soy-free coconut-milk-based yogurt, and it has live cultures, too. I may try to get some grapefruit seed extract into him somehow, maybe some other things like garlic. He actually likes garlic, oddly. What is a DAN doctor? Is the 'N' for naturopathic? I found my file with my notes on shrinking tonsils: I've cut out the dairy. I need to get some lemons, and then I'll try that remedy. The lemon juice will be good for alkalizing his body, anyway. I'm going to wait a bit to see whether I can fix this myself before seeing an ENT dr. If nothing else works, I feel that will have to happen.
  8. Thanks. I know about the milk and gluten issues to an extent. I wrote some about it in my book. I was also thinking that I saved something on tonsil enlargement, and I think I remember that removing dairy was a suggestion to help them shrink on their own, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look. I'm not sure my children have wheat intolerances, but I definitely think my child in question must have one to dairy. I'll put these books on my to-read list. Thank you so much for your input.
  9. Thank you so much for your input! After what you said, I do believe I'd like to go get another opinion. I'll go see an ENT doctor.
  10. My nearly 3yo son is somewhere high on the autistic spectrum. He has a history of sleep disorders, difficult behavior, tantrums, head banging and back arching as an infant, extremely picky eating, etc. His breath has been smelling like a sewer system. I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of trying probiotics to see whether that alone will take care of the problem, since it could be candida. Could it be due to another issue, though? A food allergy or intolerance? I think he must have a problem with milk protein, because he craves dairy all the time. I finally bought some rice cheese and coconut milk yogurt (both dairy-free) to at least reduce his dairy intake. I have him drinking hemp milk or sometimes almond milk again, which I used to do before, until recently when I've started giving him cow's milk (maybe five months or so). Could this recent change to cow's milk be causing it? I read online that lactose intolerance can cause foul breath, but I'm not sure whether that's his issue or not. Can an inability to properly break down the protein cause bad breath? His stools have always been strange, probably in part b/c he eats strangely. He doesn't eat enough variety, and vegetables are nearly zero in his diet. He eats only a little meat sometimes; for the most part, he hates it. Fruits, grains, and dairy make up most of his diet. We eat 100% organic, though, and hemp milk and water and sometimes sweet tea are his only drinks. Occasionally fruit juice, and that's often freshly juiced. He asks for cheese, though, first thing in the morning. And then he asks all day for it. I started giving him the rice cheese yesterday. The problem is, I don't think I can completely cut out the dairy in his diet, unless I completely cut it out for the rest of us. Does reducing things like this benefit at all, does anyone know? And what are the chances the sewer breath is related in some way to dairy? Oh! There is another thing. I took him once to a naturopathic doctor to check out his tonsils. He has sleep issues, as I mentioned, including suspected apnea. She said that they are enlarged, but she said we should wait to see whether he outgrows it, that he'll likely be fine. I avoid surgery and allopathic drugs as much as I can. Those types of things are considered very last resort for us. But, could this issue be related to tonsils? I read that "tonsil stones" cause bad breath. I'm not an expert on tonsil stones, so I'm hoping someone can help me out with this. His breath smells gut-originated. Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. My son licks his lips like this. My husband says he makes himself look like a clown. I did this same thing as a young child. My son's lips are bleeding now. I remind him not to lick them, and I regularly apply olive oil. It will pass. It always does. I've noticed he only does this during the winter months (he's 6.5 years now). We are all supplementing with vitamin D spray, because I think that helps somewhat.
  12. My oldest son does this. But my boys have TS and other symptoms. They inherited genes (and probably received mercury from me also through the womb and breast milk). We eat an all organic diet, do not vaccinate, breastfeed, etc. The necks and sleeve endings get wet, and they get holes from his biting them. I've noticed symptoms get worse in the winter, and so we all started supplementing with vitamin D in nano mist form. Right now he has his lips ruined again, like he has on years previous, by his compulsive licking them. They're bleeding. I'm keeping olive oil on them and reminding him not to lick. I remember doing this at the age of five. My kindergarten picture shows the evidence. I remember wanting to lick them more b/c they hurt, but that was what caused the problem in the first place.
  13. I'm so sorry that no one has replied to you. I'm not sure I really have any good advice, but has the father (not sure whether you're the father or mother) considered sitting down and talking about this issue with him? I think that would be a good start. I hope you get this worked out.
  14. Is anyone familiar with Tiaoshen liquor for the treatment of ADHD? It's a Chinese herbal formula, and studies have shown very good results. I can't find a place online that sells it, though. Does anyone know where I can obtain it? Also, if anyone has used it or knows anything more about it, please share. Thanks!
  15. I am considering melatonin for my 12-month-old son. I would love to get some sleep again. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in over a year, and bless his heart...I'm sure he'd like to sleep better, too. He's a very high-functioning Asperger's type. He is very hyper at bedtime, and then he wakes up so many times during the night. Sometimes, I think I'm awake more during the night, trying to get him back to sleep, than I am asleep. Anyway, I will only use natural treatments. So, this brings me to some questions concerning melatonin. I need someone to point me to a natural source (in other words, not synthetic), and it also must be from a biblically clean source. For example, if it came from pigs, I would not use it. Also, are there any products that come in liquid form? And my final question is: What dosage should I use? I've read that the dosage must be very low for infants and young children. I've used a children's valerian and chamomile tincture, and it does nothing to help. If I can find a natural safe source of melatonin, I'd like to try this. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
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