Not sure if I am doing this right; first time posting a new topic.
My son was diagnosed with PANDAS and Lyme disease. He had symptoms for over a year. Like most, we have been rejected for studies because of the lack of diagnosis in its early stages. We went to see Dr. K in Chicago and have been recommended for IVIg. We are on antibiotics from a Lyme literate doctor in Iowa, Dr. P. If the antibiotics are not fully effective, he recommends IVIg.
We are seeing that the antibiotics aren't as effective as they used to be and are considering IVIg. We have found out that our insurance covers the procedure and the medicine, but we were looking to have it done closer to home and by a PPO doctor/facility.
Our local pediatrician said that he would be willing to do IVIg for us if we could get Dr. K's protocol. Our local pediatrician has done IVIg for other disorders, but not PANDAS. We asked Dr. K and he said "Unfortunately because of legal implications I cannot provide the protocol".
Does anyone know what Dr. Ks protocol is? Is it more effective than other protocols? Is it much different of more effective than NIHM suggests?
I know that most on here are parents, not doctors, but it seems we know more than some of the doctors we have seen. I have received loads of helpful information from this site, and any appreciate any help on this topic.
Thank you in advance