Hmm. After 6 years since a PANDAS diagnosis,
and being well read up on it, treating it,
I still find it hard to believe at times.
It does look like mental illness, autism, ADHD, et al.
I think it is 'normal' for a parent to say
you know what, maybe a psych pill that costs me $10
can help. These insurance docs seem to think so- let's give it a go.
Not to mention perhaps the child is violent or so ill a hospital ward is considered.
My dd11 is on Risperadone.
.50 in am, .50 afternoon. It is the lowest dose and w/ her weight very low,
but it's there.
Other psy meds only lasted 1 or 2 days with immediate negative results.
So pick your poison
Long term antibiotics, IVIG's of pooled donor blood,
there is no right or wrong.
My daughter had the best year of growth and happiness this last year,
and it continues. I tried to remove an antibiotic,
and loss of control came back. So she's back on it, and back at baseline.
It is a LOT of work, special diet, special PANS Dr., supplements, pills.
But when she is baseline/ stable, her mind and spirit grow. She banks learning, positive experience, self esteem, peace in her family.