I'm new to this online community. I'm in search of another warrior mom/dad who is trying to recover their child from regressive autism. I need to connect with a community that can offer advice for any of our son's challenges.
We lost our son gradually over a year's time. He had convulsions within 10 minutes of his 4 mo. and 12 mo. immunizations. The day after his 6 mo. immunizations he ended up in the hospital with breathing difficulties and ended up there for a week with pnuemonia. He cried hours on end after his 15 mo. shots and that was the final straw. He was lost after those episodes and we continued to lose him after that point. He lost his language, his cuddleness, his smile, and the sparkle in his eye.
Our son is on the SCD, low-oxalate diet as of present and has been for the past 6 months. He also takes 1 pill of Tenex in the am and then another one in the pm(this has been a the most help for him and us.). He also gets Zyrtec every night.
Chief Challenges for our 11yo son:
1) CONSTIPATION...BUT NOT YOUR NORMAL CONSTIPATION! He has soft bms but has trouble releasing them. He can go for a week and get a bloated tummy, cry of the pain, but can't seem to get them out. It's not for lack of trying, we think. He gets a dose of Natural Calm just about every day and he won't go until we have to try to give him a much needed but undesired suppository. He sometimes needs to be in the shower for 30 minutes to help get things going. When he does finally go, it is a L-O-N-G log that will coil in the toilet. I know this has to effect his behaviors!
2) Hyperactivity/Short attention span - he cannot sit still and has less than a few seconds of attention. He can't just sit and watch TV, he is constantly in motion, jumping around, etc.
3) Deep voice for such a young child
4) Urinates on average twice each hour throughout the day!!!
5) Slaps his chest (not his tummy) or other hard surfaces with his hands
6) Has difficulty falling asleep and can't sleep alone. He needs to touch a part of my body all night long
7) He had a long rash of strep infections before we finally convinced our ENT to take out his tonsils/adnoids.
8) He has had febrile seizures but hasn't had one in a long time. We tend to treat illness with Motrin prophylactically. He has also had other unexplained seizures...very few...usually when he was in a highly perferred, outdoor activity (pool, beach, etc.), and we couldn't get him to eat/drink very much. These we believe were related to drops in sugar levels and now our son eats small meals throughout the day.
Stool labs showed no yeast isolated or dysbiotic flora;
Urine labs showed high (out of range)DHPPA in Malabsorption Markers and Bacterial Dysbiosis Markers; slightly high Arabinose under the Yeast/Fungal Dysbiosis Markers; very high AKG a-Ketoglutaric Acid under Citric Acid Cycle Metabolites
Blood Tests for IGg showed on a scale of 0-3, 0 being OK and 3 being allergic: 1 for green beans, crab, garlic, gluten, brewer's yeast, wheat, soybean, sole, salmon; 2 for mustard and baker's yeast.
Other blood work revealed:
glucose slightly high: 110; Neutrophils 66 (high) and Lyphocytes 21 (low)
Anyone willing to offer suggestions...PLEASE DO! I want my boy back!