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  1. My daughters breath odor does not smell like strep. I suspect possible yeast due to antibiotics a couple of weeks ago. Any suggestions on what to gargle with? I have been making my dd gargle with scope before school. I sure don't want her known as the girl with the poop breath. It does appear to help, but usually comes back within a few hours. She won't use Listerine, it burns her mouth. I may do a home strep test when she gets home to to rule out strep, but I haven't noticed any odd behaviors, as a matter of fact she has been in a great mood. Sorry to hijack this thread, but I was going to ask this same question. This is not the first time my daughter has had this same breath smell. I would love to figure out what is causing it. My dd has great oral hygiene, never had a cavity and goes to the dentist every 6 months for cleaning. She doesn't snore, not stuffy, no allergies at the moment. This has me baffled. I forgot to mention that she has complained of acid reflux, which is very uncommon for her. The only other time she complained of acid coming up in her throat was during her 1 and only exacerbation with strep in 2010.
  2. My dd8 gets a sinus infection within 3 weeks of going off antibiotics. From what I have read, a lot of sinus infections are caused by fungus and not bacteria, so maybe the antibiotics caused the fungal overgrowth. My daughter never flares with these sinus infections, but her breath becomes horrid! My daughter was on antibiotics a few weeks ago and her breath is starting to get that smell, but she is showing no sinus symptoms. I am going to try some grape seed extract or OLE and see if that helps. Peg, "poop" is a pretty accurate way to describe this smell, lol.
  3. I swab my daughter 2 or 3 times just to make sure i got a good swab. There is a you-tube video on how to swab. Circular motion to make sure you get the whole area. I have been using these for a year and a half and they work great. My daughter doesn't get sore throats either, so if she is acting off or in a bad mood for no apparent reason, I always swab just to make sure! They are cheap enough to waste. Better safe than sorry in my opinion. I don't ever wanna live through another exacerbation again!!!!!
  4. Are you currently on here, too? LOL

  5. I live the Southern Indiana, about 20 minutes from Louisville,KY. My dd7 had 1 exacerbation in September of 2010. We caught it quickly and is doing great almost 2 years later! PM me if you get a chance.
  6. Here is another link that I found interesting about the effects of OLE. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21183324 Sorry again, I don't know how to the post the direct link. I only know how to copy and paste, LOL.
  7. www.seagateproducts.com/ss-images/townsend-letter-may.pdf (sorry computer illiterate) Not sure how to post the direct link. I did a lot of research on Olive Leaf 15 months ago, while trying to decide which OLE to buy. I decided on the Seagate brand after reading the book by Morton Walker and after reading great reviews. We had great results with this brand. Over the next several months, I switched to a few less expensive brands that had much higher Olepurin (spelling) that were a lot less effective. I have since went back to using the Seagate brand of Ole and find it the most effective. My husband has Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthritis and the Seagate brand is the only brand that caused him to herx. We have to start off with a very low dose and build up over a course of a month or so.
  8. What's "high dose" OLE? We give twice daily and credit it with keeping our whole family pretty healthy overall, but if "high dose" would help nail fresh germ or virus, by any chance, I'm up for trying it. Thanks in advance! I give it twice daily for prophylaxis, but if my daughter starts to get a stuffy nose or something, I give 2 capsules 3 x a day and within 12 to 24 hours she is always good as new! Last week, when my daughter tested positive on the home strep test, I decided to try the high dose Olive Leaf instead of antibiotics and it seemed to pull her right out of it. Sensory and low level anxiety vanished, and she is now testing negative on the rapid. I will continue with the high dosage and retest again in a week or so. I'll admit, I was really nervous about not placing her on a regular antibiotic, but EVERYTIME she is placed on antibiotics, she gets a horrible sinus infection 3 weeks later, only to be placed back on antibiotics, and within 3 weeks she is sick again. I have had much better luck with the Olive Leaf Extract. It seems to strengthen her immune system, whereas regular antibiotics always seem to weaken it! I am NOT recommending that everyone ditch their antibiotics for OLE, but for those who are fighting to get antibiotics, I swear OLE is the next best thing!
  9. Hey Kim, I just wanted to say that I highly recommend the Olive Leaf Extract. It has been our Saving Grace! We have been using it for 15 months as a prophylactic. Last week, my dd7 started complaining about her clothing, socks were feeling funny, tags bothering her again. She was starting to show signs of low level anxiety. I swabbed her throat and sure enough it was a faint positive. I decided to double her dose of OLE and within a day, symptoms were gone. I swabbed her again today and it was negative. I am going to continue with high dose Olive Leaf for another week or so and then swab her again. I am not exactly sure why it works so well, but for whatever reason, it works great in our family. I just ordered my 2nd box of Rapid Strep test and highly recommend those as well. Good Luck,
  10. I have been using Nutiva Organic extra virgin coconut oil for several months. I use it on our toast, bagels, pancakes, etc. instead of butter. It taste great! I had used some of the store bought brands and the flavor was very bland. Not all coconut oil is created equal. I cook with in when I can. The taste is pretty strong, so you can only use it in recipes that compliment it. I added it to vegi soup and that was pretty gross, lol. I never made that mistake again. But it is awesome in most bake goods and it makes your house smell so good. I have also been using it on my dry skin and it is the better than any lotion that I have ever used. It has even faded my suns spots (tinea versicolor). It is also a great alternative to chap stick and taste amazing. If your looking for a good quality coconut oil, I highly recommend Nutiva. It cost a little more than the brand walmart sells, but there is no comparision in quality and taste.
  11. These also come in very handy! My SIL/Ped is a 45 minute drive away. She trust this particular brand, so she has no problem calling me in antibiotics when I get a Positive swab. They are also great for checking to see if a current infection has cleared. I usually test a couple of days after finishing antibiotics and then again a week or so later to make sure its completely gone.
  12. I have had great success with these. My box had an 18 month shelf life. Strep Tests 25/bx $28.95 - Price Any Time For One Box www.docsavings.com/ These appear to be very accurate. I have used them on several family members and have gotten Positive swabs! Just make sure you get a really good swab. I gag everyone several times!
  13. I am no expert by any means, but my whole family has been dealing with Candida (yeast) for a while now. I have been doing a lot of research on this topic for the past month. From what I have read, Candida can cause everyone of the symptoms listed under this topic. Candida can cause many different rashes, blisters, cradle cap, anal rashes, even the elbow rash mentioned above. It is definitely worth checking into.
  14. We have been using Swanson brand OLE for about a year now. It is 20% oleurpein. Our Ped refuses to give us prophylactic antibiotics, so I opted for a natural one. I have been extremely happy with Ole. My dd7 had strep throat a few months back without exacerbation. I am not sure that it was the Olive Leaf, but I am not willing to take her off of it to find out.
  15. Could this possibly be Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis? Anyone have any experience with this? I have read that some Pandas kids have had this complication with strep. With his new surge of Pandas symptoms, I would definitely have this ruled out. Symptoms are rust colored urine, blood in urine, and decreased urine out put.
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