What's "high dose" OLE? We give twice daily and credit it with keeping our whole family pretty healthy overall, but if "high dose" would help nail fresh germ or virus, by any chance, I'm up for trying it. Thanks in advance!
I give it twice daily for prophylaxis, but if my daughter starts to get a stuffy nose or something, I give 2 capsules 3 x a day and within 12 to 24 hours she is always good as new! Last week, when my daughter tested positive on the home strep test, I decided to try the high dose Olive Leaf instead of antibiotics and it seemed to pull her right out of it. Sensory and low level anxiety vanished, and she is now testing negative on the rapid.
I will continue with the high dosage and retest again in a week or so. I'll admit, I was really nervous about not placing her on a regular antibiotic, but EVERYTIME she is placed on antibiotics, she gets a horrible sinus infection 3 weeks later, only to be placed back on antibiotics, and within 3 weeks she is sick again.
I have had much better luck with the Olive Leaf Extract. It seems to strengthen her immune system, whereas regular antibiotics always seem to weaken it!
I am NOT recommending that everyone ditch their antibiotics for OLE, but for those who are fighting to get antibiotics, I swear OLE is the next best thing!