yes - i did think about that, but we do have strong strep evidence for onset, so it served my purpose. . . but i do wonder that also. esp b/c i believe ds had an exacerbation due to stress which would appear that he always has these troublesome antibodies circulating.
i just read the synopsis for Dr. T at the upcoming conference and i wasn't sure i was previously aware the alternate fever theory was in constrast to molecular mimicry.
EAmom -- are you going to that conference? i'd love to hear about it!
Hard to keep up with all of Dr T's evolving theories on the mechanism of pandas From his last podcast he implicated cytokines and a certain area of the brain called the TMN (control center that affects alot of other centers), he's also said histamine is a root cause and at Irvine he's going to announce the 3 genetic defects that are found in 70 - 80% PANS kids!! He thinks autoimmunity is a latent mechanism of long-standing PANS. Brilliant mind, he's throwing out all these theories to open up the discussion of the issue, if anyone can figure it all out, it's Dr T! We just have to saty tuned!