Hi there, thanks so much for your reply!! Can you tell me what lab you retested through and whether it was a PCR or Western blot or both? We saw Dr Jones and he is testing for babesia through Specialty Labs. We are seeing Dr Bouboulis on Wednesday...thanks for your help!! BTW what did your son have on the Cunningham tests?
IVIG is not really contraindicated per se. Yes, we saw Dr Jones and then Dr Bouboulis later that day. They seem to work well in synergy with each other's patients. Dr J says IVIg schedule if any needs to stay on track for the PANDAS. He looks at the Cunnigham test results too. Now the problem is IVIG can stir up stuff again and set you back with Lyme issues is what experienced moms have told me.Dr Kovacevic is in agreement when I contacted him (he did my son's one IVIG)about getting coinfections in check before another IVIG. He wanted even the low Ferritin to be normalized before he thinks of another IVIG for DS. Dr B agreed and we're currently pursuing Bartonella treatment. Dr J says the current ABX will provoke Borrelia Burgdorferi (basic lyme) and Babesia if DS has any and at followup in December he will retest for those.
I have posted in the past frantically seeking answers for my sons depleting Ferritin levels, limping, muscle spasms, aches pains, muscle weakness and atrophy and the Pandas/lyme moms on this forum (esp SF mom- THANKYOU for your continued support) have literally helped save my son's life.
ALL of our four times of Quest Lyme testing - western blot etc were all negative for 1.5 years. I found out about Igenex, tested and STILL all negative- lyme and all lyme coinfections. I was floored!! BUT I still kept my appt with Dr J because the wonderful angelic moms here told me that Lyme hides very well, it may need to be provoked before testing and also Lyme is a CLINICAL diagnosis by an LLMD. The blood tests are just supporting data.
Dr Jones did a THREE hour plus eval on DS and suspected Bartonella. He retested thru another lab that goes deeper than Igenex and yes, DS had Bartonella- very high actually but too deep inside for Igenex testing.
I can see a whole new child emerging and I am very grateful to God for pointing me in the right direction.
I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can. It would be my previlege. So please don't hesitate. I would be still struggling had it not been for the moms on these forums.