thank you for this!
I hear your pain and frustration. Has he seen ENT or infectious disease specialist? Any child that has recurrent anything should be referred to specialist. Peds should not keep handling it. Because, obviously they don't have the answer/treatment plan if it continues to be recurrent. A child that is getting recurrent strep while on antibiotics needs work up beyond the scope of peds. Also, croup at his age, is nearly unheard of. Sounds like a misdiagnosis. Croup is common from 6 months to 3 years while airways are small. Perhaps, a bit older in small child,or, if there are enlarged tonsils etc. Usually symptoms brought on by a viral illness- stridor and constricting of upper airways/inflammation of vocal cords. Self limiting, due to body size, airway structure, predisposition. Once children are larger- their airways are larger and they don't suffer from croup.
Had a friend that kept telling me her son was getting Croup at age 9! I told her that croup is not typically diagnosed or seen at that age. She got 2nd opinion and came away with a diagnosis more consistent with Reactive Airway Disease/Asthma with illness/colds. Started treating her child appropriately for THAT and wala, no more croup! It would be worth seeing Pulmonary, Asthma, Allery specialist if no answers obtained from ENT or infectious disease. Chronic cough and/or excerice induced cough may be the only sign of RAD/Asthma.Often missed as sign if really the only one by unsuspecting providers. Barking cough may sound like croup- can still be RAD. Sound caused by bronchospasms- not vocal cord inflammation like in croup.
My older son is not Asthmatic but I nearly killed him every Christmas from age 3 to 6 by having "real tree" in the house. Child was never sick but did nothing but cough the entire holiday season for those 3 years. Would get miraculously beter in Jan. I finally figured out that the tree was the culprit. Got a fake tree and he has never had the cough since. He was later allergy tested and has severe pine allergy. He had highly reactive airway to Christmas tree!! He never had wheezing like with Asthma- he just coughed.