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  1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15893431 Does anyone know if treating your dog monthly for ticks and heartworms will eliminate tick/flea transmitted parasites?
  2. About those aspirin studies: I would like to add this is about the same time the doctors made it difficult to get your tonsils removed - were freely handing out antibiotics. Then the doctors made it difficult to get antibiotics. I have had many fights with my DS ex-ped to get him tested for strep throat even tho my child has had scarlet fever. Ped kept saying it was an another unnecessary test and my child had a viral infection. My child tends to vomit when he has strep. I had to switch peds. My father told me to find an older dr who had seen everything. This dr had a older brother who died from RF and would give DS a strep test if needed. He also helped me get a T&A for younger son because of speech delay and repeated ear infections - fluid. I tried to get DS's T&A removed but the NIH was not recommending T&A for PANDAS and his ears were no longer getting infected with the same frequency. I have an older child and we were impacted by those changes during the 90's. IMO - the studies are probably flawed - lots of changes occurred. edit - fix typos
  3. My son is sleep dependent - has major trouble functioning without it. He has always been a long sleeper - 12+ hours - always told this is a normal variance. I have recently learned that this is not normal and is called hypersomnia - which can also be an autoimmune problem. We did the adderall (to wake him up) and clonidine (to put him to sleep) for years - nothing changed. Sleep has been linked to bp and lots of other problems. I have been researching online about hypersomnia and gaba and thought you might like to view the following ytube videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbS-wMfHiCI (author has many more videos available) Maybe the gaba is waking him up - getting rid of the brain fog. I'm so happy you got to see your son's true self and hope this is the answer. Best wishes.
  4. It links to the abstracts. Sorry I don't have access to the original reports. They are listed on the NIH.
  5. The neurologists are going to have to admit this is a big problem. http://www.neurology.org/cgi/collection/all_infections features: EDITORIALS: Is the microbe–dementia hypothesis finally ready for a treatment trial? Neurology 2013 80:1182-1183. ARTICLE: Infectious burden and cognitive function: The Northern ManhattanStudy Neurology 2013 80:1209-1215. edited spacing
  6. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/05/for-athletes-risks-from-ibuprofen-use/
  7. The link is to the abstract which has 5 diagrams that are also interesting. http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v15/n8/full/nn.3159.html "During illnesses caused by infectious disease or other sources of inflammation, a suite of brain-mediated responses called the sickness syndrome occurs, which includes fever, anorexia, sleepiness, hyperalgesia and elevated corticosteroid secretion. Much of the sickness syndrome is mediated by prostaglandins acting on the brain and can be prevented by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, that block prostaglandin synthesis. By examining which prostaglandins are produced at which sites and how they interact with the nervous system, researchers have identified specific neural circuits that underlie the sickness syndrome." edit 3 to 5 diagrams - use arrows
  8. Wider Letter Spacing Helps Dyslexic Children http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120607105712.htm This might help someone with a reading disability.
  9. http://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2012/10/31/study-suggests-that-well-one-day-be-able-to-switch-off-bad-habits-in-our-brains/
  10. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2012 Oct 20. pii: S0149-7634(12)00177-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2012.10.010. [Epub ahead of print] Environmental Factors in Tourette Syndrome. Hoekstra PJ, Dietrich A, Edwards MJ, Elamin I, Martino D. Source Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. Abstract Environmental exposures during the prenatal period, perinatal stages, and postnatal life may contribute to onset and course of Tourette syndrome (TS). Pregnancy-related noxious exposures may be more frequent in pregnancies of children who will develop TS, particularly maternal smoking and prenatal life stressors. Lower birth weight and use of forceps at delivery may be associated with tic severity in the offspring; moreover, low birth weight and maternal smoking during pregnancy may affect the risk of co-morbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Group A streptococcal infections as risk-modifier for TS has not been convincingly demonstrated to date, although an interaction with stressors was suggested. The PANDAS hypothesis is currently undergoing a nosological revision. Only limited anecdotal evidence supports a link of TS to other pathogens. Nevertheless, the relationship between infections and TS may be complex. Recent data point to intrinsically altered immune regulation in TS, which might predispose to both infections and autoimmune mechanisms; however, evidence of cell-mediated and antibody-mediated autoimmunity in TS is still insufficient. Psychosocial stress remains the most important contextual factor influencing tic severity, as confirmed by prospective studies. This might in part be related to enhanced reactivity of the stress response in TS patients, the mechanisms of which need to be explored further. New studies on large prospective cohorts of patients of different age and the identification of reliable biomarkers or endophenotypes indicating early, prenatal exposure to environmental insults are needed. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  11. Found this very interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructose_malabsorption says "up to 30% of the population of Western countries and Africa" and "The physiological consequences of fructose malabsorption include increased osmotic load, rapid bacterial fermentation, altered gastrointestinal motility, the formation of mucosal biofilm and altered profile of bacteria" "Some effects of fructose malabsorption are decreased tryptophan[citation needed], folic acid[5] and zinc in the blood.[6]" I don't know anything else about this but will do some more research.
  12. These stories just break my heart.
  13. Doctor shopping vs 2nd opinion - we're told to always get a 2nd opinion. I don't think it is doctor shopping if you keep getting different opinions and you keep looking for an answer and treatment that works.
  14. My son got sick when he was 7. He would complain that his chest hurt when he had "headaches". It was caught on tape when he was 8 during an ekg as a partial right bundle block. He was then referred to local children's hospital where they did full heart workup - xrays, more ekgs etc - heart normal. He is now taking small dose of proranolol for fast heartrate.
  15. http://abcnews.go.com/watch/nightline/SH5584743/VD55208665/nightline-65-vaccines-stored-in-dangerous-conditions nightline did segment on this - our local news also reported on it.
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