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tapiash last won the day on January 14 2017

tapiash had the most liked content!

About tapiash

  • Birthday 05/02/1997

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  1. Hi. I live about 3 hours from Albq. My son is doing a lot better.He has his days. Definitely the kiddo he was before Pandas bu he is better and I am grateful. He was also diagnosed with tourettes as well as ocd, and Add without hyper activity. You found a great resource. It has helped me tremendously. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Where did you move from?

  2. Hello,

    I saw you post about living in NM and I wanted to say hello. My family has recently moved to Albuquerque and I am on the forum because I am coming to believe my son has PANDAS, not ts, which he was diagnosed with. How is your child with PANDAS doing? Sarah

  3. All of the blood work we had done came back normal. It was ordered by Dr. T. Dr. T left us hanging after we paid him 250 dollars. It was a nightmare and very unprofessional. We drove 17 hrs to see Dr. Lin. I have so much respect for Dr. Lin. He is very professional and will do whatever it takes to get results.

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