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Everything posted by motheronamission

  1. Dr Triflilett, thank you. Thank you so much for bringing this to the media. I almost cried when I saw the video of Lauren and a professional in the medical field supporting the PANDAS "theory." Obviously, it is not a theory. My son has struggled with severe tics for 5 yrs after a strep infection. Tics set in within 24 hrs of beginning his antibiotics. Every doctor we have seen has wanted to put him on meds. I've watched him struggle every waking moment for 5 yrs. I don't think he has relaxed any of that time. God bless you and your effort.
  2. Latie, the head jerk is very scary. My son contracted his tics from pandas at age 11. It started vocally, and the head jerk came into the picture a year or so later...boy was I glad when that one was gone. So, yes...it is a possiblitly that this particular tic will go away. If he is like my son, it is common for tics to come and go and be replaced with other tics. My son has done it all from jerking to spitting, throat clearing, shouting. When they are at their worst, we do a heavy detox with the native remedy drops (nativeremedies.com) and combine it wih brightspark and tic tamer. They never completely go away, but they do become more normal. Always super low sugar and NO caffine. Good luck!
  3. Hallalujeh AMEN! I am almost in tears right now. I have not posted on here in a long time. My son developed severe tics 5 yrs ago after a round of antibiotics to treat strep. After a year of non-stop dr visits offering to put him on all kinds of meds.....while NOT one professional opinion supporting or acknowledging PANDAS, I gave up the fight. I chose to closely monitor his diet, keep him detoxed, and on supplements. The last 5 yrs have been very tough, "don't eat that, too much sugar in that, no caffine..." etc. I am incredibly blessed that my son deals exceptionally well with it, and is surrounded by very supportive friends and teachers at school. My husband told me about "the sneezing girl" video on the internet. I never watched the video and just thought wow...poor kid. My mom sent me the aol link with her interview diagnosing it as Pandas. When I watched her in the video...I almost fell out of my chair. My son has had that tic! His tics change about once a year. Right now he is back to his short shout. But last year, he was doing the same thing. I knew it wasn't a sneeze, but a transition in his tic. If you watch closely, it doesn't seem to be coming from her nose like a sneeze, but more so from her mouth. Had I watched the video back in Nov, I would have recognized it as a tic. I'm sure someone has posted this link from aol, but I will post it again. This article states that "It's also more common in families where there is a history of strep-related complications like scarlet fever or tonsillitis." My son's father began to have kidney failure at age 9 due to a streptococcal manifestation. He had his first kidney transplant at age 19, and another this summer at age 33. This is a serious breakthrough. I don't want to get my hopes up with the azithromycin, but I'm willing to try anything other than meds to see him have relief for the first time in 5 yrs. God Bless Lauren, her family, and her doctor for bringing this to public attention on this level. Best of luck to all of you as well! There is light at the end of the tunnel. http://www.aolhealth.com/condition-center/...2Fadhd%2Fpandas
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