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Everything posted by tantrums

  1. Hi Tantrums, You are the perfect guinea pig for the Frequently Asked Questions... Please look at: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6128 and http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6142 There's a lot we don't know (and amazingly some things we do know), so please help all of us with voicing your questions .... they are likely the ones others have. Buster I've read those all - more than once LOL! - over the past couple of days already. My brain is swimming. SOOO much good, concise info there! I forwarded it to my mother as well since she is a mess over this. I feel it was very easy to help assist family members in understanding. That does make me remember one other primary question, but I'll post to my other thread. I dont' want to overwhelm this group with newbie anxiety and questions that have probably been answered a thousand times.
  2. Thank you so much for the relies! Buster - I will look at those links in a bit. We're trying to play a family game here and do some "quality family time". Somewhat challenging when he can't handle anyone else scoring or the thought of him not winning But we're trying to make it pleasant. No siblings here. Lucky so that I can focus my attention and time on him I suppose! Our regular pediatrician is on board. We've been on the phone all week after our initial visit last week. It wasn't brought up then, but when I called back (she had done basic bloodwork and Lyme titers and recommended a psychiatrist) to ask about PANDAS, she said yes and bring him back in next week for strep testing. So we will discuss more on wednesday. I was glad she was at least receptive and seemed to know what I was talking about! I also have Arnold Chiari Malformation and was focusing on THAT concern with him! Like I now need TWO "controversial" medical issues to persue At least a neurologist will be involved with both. Don't know if anyone here would happen to know about that - but it's a skull/brain malformation that causes headaches (which he has been complaining of lately), fine motor issues and a host of other problems. I initially thought that might be what we were dealing with, but I realized as this escalated that this was beyond ACM symptoms. ACM is highly hereditary and I need to have an MRI for him for that anyway to see where he is at. Poor KID!
  3. Hello everyone! So glad to have found this group thanks to a wonderful new friend My name is Sue and my son Carter has been very difficult lately. I spoke again with his pediatricians assistant yesterday and she said his doctor shares my concern that this is likely Pandas. During research, I found an email for Dr. K and emailed him as well. He also agrees. Carter is 6 and a half and just started first grade. In July, he had what seemed like a typical cold - didn't amount to much. Then in October he had H1N1 - again not as much as I'd feared it would be. He seemed to said through. However, what seemed like odd things that began around August only got worse. He has become a different child - explosive to the point of 2 hour tantrums, destructive to property in the house, defiant, etc... He is obsessed with a fear that he is dying. He does not sleep - he will wake me up repeatedly in the middle of the night to have me tell him he is NOT dying. More recently, just in the past couple of days - he is afraid he is getting a "baby in his belly" and it's the same thing - constant reassurance that it is not the case. He will not be in a different room in the house from my husband or I - usually me. Just yesterday, he started wanting me in the bathroom with him when he is using it. He demands that I dress him, undress him and put his shoes on for him. He wants to drink from a sippy cup. When he was very young - 2 actually, I'd noticed the first tic of blinking, but it went away as quickly as it started. Then around 3, he started sucking on his shirt collar and sleeves. His whole shirt would be warped and soaked some days. He also sucks on his arms so hard he gets bruises - but again - it would all come and go so I didnt' read too much into it. When first grade started - real problems began. He refuses to write anything on tests! The teacher was as stumped as I. But we've come to realize, he is afraid of writing the wrong answer, so he writes nothing! He is likely going to have to repeat first grade. He is getting extra reading help, but even with that - he is failing reading and usually, no one can read his handwriting. His math skills are excellent - amazes me actually! He also USED to have amazing art skills, but anymore - he scribbles. I can't figure that one out. So - since discovering PANDAS, yes it does seem pretty obvious that this is what we are facing. I noticed a predisposition in kids who are/where "croupy". Carter used to get croup every SINGLE time he was sick at all, or anyone around him was sick. He just grew out of it. Interesting? In fact, the H1N1 was the first illness where he did not end up with croup. I was SOOOO excited! But I still have so many questions! My number one question is about OCD - I know the fear would be considered OCD. But other than that - my child seems to be the exact opposite of what I know as OCD. He is, point bluntly, a total slob LOL, everything is strewn everywhere, toys are constantly broken, heads ripped off of action figures and thrown about, clothes ripped, food and drinks spilled nearly every time he eats. he is loud and NEVER still! He is always banging walls and jumping off of chairs. Yet - I am assured by teachers and doctors my son does NOT have ADD?! Does anyone else experience this? During croup episodes when he has needed orapred, I've wanted to head for the hills! Talk about fuel for the fire! And aggression is concerning me right now. He has not been typically aggressive in the past, but just in the past week, I'm seeing some things that are alarming me. He seems to be aggressing in "sneaky" ways. He has to hug me every few minutes, but then as he is hugging me, he rubs/butts his head into my stomach in a pretty hard manner. I can't tell if it's a tic, compulsion or what? He also has to have his feet on me constantly when we sit together and he kicks me a lot! Yesterday, he wanted to play with lightsabers, but this was during a rage and the look in his eye was quite disturbing. He got them out and was saying "take it mom! FIGHT me mom!". It seems like an escalation that I am NOT liking! So we are going back to the doctor on wednesday for strep testing. What is the next step here?
  4. Thank you Erica! I found the "resend validation" button and it came right through. Not sure what happened! I'll do an intro post as I'm sure you all can understand, I'm reeling and full of questions! Also learning this groups format, so please bear with me.
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