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About vickic

  • Birthday 08/27/1969

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    Omaha, NE

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  1. The pills are larger than tic tics. Maybe the size of 2. They are normally sized for an adult, so if pill swallowing is difficult there have been some posts about creative ways people have used the supplements (mixing with other foods, hiding in Peanut butter, etc...). I've never had to do this, but the pills would be easy to open and add the powder to other foods. Honestly, my son has never complained about any after taste. I remember reading that and being leery. While he complains about not wanting to take the pills, this is just him trying to exercise control and he always takes them for me & for the school nurse. We have had tremendous success with the supplements since our start in August of 2009. My son is 10 and should need to take the max. dosage each day..but we do well with 9-10 pills a day. Basically 3 with each meal. I wish you much success!
  2. Just a quick note in case anyone else has the same experience. Took my boys to go see Avatar 3-D on Friday. My oldest son (10) has TS. During the movie his vocal tics were very active. His tics have been under control really well with the use of the Bonnie-gr supplements. I have known for years that my son has reacted to visual stimuli (initially became apparent with his Gameboy and Playstation). I wanted to share my experience and make others aware that this movie may be a trigger especially for those with TS that can be associated with visual stimuli. His tics were well under control once the movie was over. I had friends tell me recently that the Avatar 3D movie was causing seizures to some moviegoers. I'm not sure if this is an urban legend, but it sure rang true as being a cause for activating my son's tics. I always think of the time that I told the neurologist that I think there is a link between his TS and visual stimuli (gameboy at the time). He treated my like I was a crazy loon. I was so relieved when I read Sheila Rogers book and found a whole chapter on this subject. It just proves that parents know what's best and this forum is a great use of sharing experiences. Thanks to all of you!
  3. I echo the use of the Bonniegr supplements. We had limited success with other natural treatments. Things would improve temporarily, but then always return. My son is 10 and we started on Bonnie's TS Control and TS Mag Taurate in August of this year right before school started. It was our last ditch effort before neuro meds. I saw almost immediate results after starting the supplements (w/i 4 days) and things were at their worst when we started (cussing, echoing, very vocal). Within the same week he was nearly without tics. We enjoy a relatively normal TS life now. Yes he tics, but they are very controlled and not interfering with his life. I don't want to give anyone false hope with this info. I've never given my son prescription meds for TS and have always tried to follow a natural healing path thanks to the suggestions on this forum. My opinion, Bonnie's vitamins ROCK! I hope you find the path to help your son. It is a roller-coaster, but you are in a good place to get support. I could have never done it without the words of wisdom on this forum. Have a blessed holiday.
  4. He has some tics, but they are few and far between. Most people would never know now that he has TS (now). I'm aware of triggers for my son. Going into stores or new places--always has a few vocals before we walk through the door, then he is fine. Video games (mostly Gameboy handheld and playstation) were big triggers. He no longer can play those. He is more of a vocal tic kid now, although in his past we went through all the motor tics. He has some things on occasion when we are watching TV or relaxing where he wants to jerk his head or sniff his fingers. Again, relatively mild situations considering as many as we've seen. He is a good student, well liked, and is quite an athlete. TS has not slowed him down and can talk to it with his friends if needed. Don't get me wrong...he's had his setbacks socially, but we've addressed each one head on. My husband and I presented to our elem. school last year and this helped so much when things were beginning to get noticeable. Now kids and teachers know it is who he is, but with the TS Control vitamins helping so much, 5th grade has been really without issue. Counting my blessings this holiday! When I had to say what i was thankful for yesterday with my co-workers, I picked this Forum. Without all the help from other mothers forging the way to heal their kids naturally, we would not be where we are today. I feel blessed!
  5. thanks for your feedback. i have her up to four a day now (although the packet says it should be 10-14 for her age and bodyweight) but dont think I will be able to get her any higher as any kind of supplementation seems to give her cramps and frequent trips to the toilet....so its encouraging to know he has improved with the lower dose. Do you give him anything else? He was taking the TS PLUS mag taurate additional supplement 1 of those w/ each meal too. We just stopped giving those this week b/c we ran out. So, for now he just takes the TS PLUS Control (9-10/day).
  6. I started my 10 year old on these supplements and within a few days he was doing great. I logged the progress for the first few weeks and couldn't believe the results. We started him on 8/9 and by the 1st day of 5th grade (8/13) his tics were well under control. The 2nd day of school the teacher wrote us a note saying he was doing AWESOME. This was a miracle to us and we have been on the supplements ever since. Prior to starting the supplements my son suffered from echolalia and corpolalia quite a bit. We were honestly (for the 1st time) unsure how we would survive in a school setting. We have never had to give him as many supplements as the recommended dose (I think he would have to do 20). We used up to 14 for awhile and now have backed down to 9-10 a day. I can't explain enough what a difference maker they have been. I hope they work well for you too!!
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