Sheila thank you for your reply and the link, I have spent hours on this forum looking for advice and trying different things. Nothing ever seems to work and still non the wiser on what triggers the tics even though have been going through this for seven years.
Yes I try to avoid scented products we do not use air fresheners or scented candles etc. My son doesn’t go swimming because of chlorine, he has a very strict diet, no colours, preservatives or additives, you name it , we have tried it. He has Epsom salt baths every other night..
Drs in the uk are useless and say just find ways of coping with it!
I reached out to Dr Piper Gibson who runs very costly programs for children with tics, in the US, her thoughts on GABA where, “she wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole”, not unless you have done genetic testing as it sometimes makes kids brains feel like they are on fire!
life is so hard with this, I just want to try and alleviate it, we can deal with it but not loud and constantly every second, the only time it stops is when he goes to sleep 😞 I am so exhausted!
Thank you for taking the time to reply!