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Does my 20 month old have PANDAS?
Iowamom replied to Stephanie2's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
We are convinced that at about this age something happened with our now 10 yo son. The behavior stuff sounds SO familiar. This just wasn't your normal 2 yo stuff. "But you know, every kid is different--strong-willed...blah-de-blah....." NOT! Run, don't walk get the throat swabbed. Best Wishes! Dawn -
Hello! This may be a no-brainer, but thought I would toss this out anyway since there has been some discussion on various symptoms that may or may not be related to having PANDAS. If you sent or have sent serum in to be analyzed by Dr. Cunningham's lab make sure to include these observations/symptoms with the history you send in. It is these odd/unusual presentations that may help solve this puzzle. You never know. My boy had binocular vision problems that interfered with his ability to coordinate eye movements (12 tiny muscles), affecting his reading and also causing him to suppress vision in one eye. Can't get any more fine motor control than that. From what I can figure out, the oculomotor circuit runs through the BG. Hmmm. I say now. He responded to vision therapy, but I have noticed MUCH smoother, less hopping & missing words, reading since being on high dose abx & IVIG. The point is to not overlook anything. They will sort it out in the lab. Kathy said they are using the lab down-time to catch up on data entry, symptom correlation, hx's--etc. I am sure they would be happy to receive any histories or additional info you neglected to initially send. She said they have barely been able to keep up with the testing. They have been receiving (Diana P. about fell off her chair when I told her this) up to 14 samples A DAY!! Swedo said in one of her presentations that it was the thorough histories that helped them to initially connect the dots with PANDAS. Just wanted to pass this along. Dawn
10 weeks post PEX- Cam kinase II 173
Iowamom replied to Alex's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
At sometime, I will ask Dr. K why we just don't pull out the IV abx. Maybe in the future that will be what is done. I know this whole trx protocol is a work in progress. It is just so needlessly devastating for the kids and families. I am thankful he agreed to high dose Augmentin post IVIG. We have a script for at least three months. I am happy to report that we are making good progress 5 weeks out. It's been bumpy, but the overall trend is positive--after many years of not knowing the problem. We are cautiously optimistic. -
Keep giving a "hearty" probiotic. Also, sacharrimeyes (sp) boulardii. Florastor is a brand. Other versions are cheaper. It works on the gut flora in a different way. Was highly recommended. Google and you'll understand. Our son hasn't had so much as goopy poop. I hope you get the help & relief your dd needs. Best wishes.
Kathy Alvarez has been super. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Dr. C & Kathy have always returned explanations to my questions. Best wishes. Get this sample in lickety-split. They are using the two months to catch up. Kathy says they have been receiving up to 14 blood kits A DAY!! Because of the length of time it takes to run the assays they are barely keeping up. They will be charting data, recording hx's, and correlating symptoms with test results--stuff they haven't had time to do yet. I don't think this is so rare.
Regarding high dose abx & Dr. K: We had IVIG with him one month ago. After about a week post IVIG I asked him if he felt we could finally whip the strep and strengthen the immune system on IVIG alone and pabx. Our son's case has quite the hx and we hadn't gotten a handle on the strep prior to the IVIG. He agreed. 875/2x day (Augmentin. 105 lbs.) He gave us 2 weeks and then then I had the month of pabx that got me some more time at that dose. I just got a reply from him today saying we can continue on this dose until at least he smooths out. I was very pleased. I think his protocol is evolving. I'm so glad I asked about the increased dose. Dawn
No results yet with IVIG when will I see them
Iowamom replied to bubbasmom's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
We are post IVIG 4 weeks. The first three weeks were ROUGH. We have a 100 lb son that rages, among other things. This week has felt like a 2 steps forward stage. Some really pleasant days. It was one step back for about 24 hours, but I think we are on a fairly even keel right again. I just want to encourage you. Dawn -
Confused about Cunningham results
Iowamom replied to Betty04's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Betty4- Our son's CaM was 184% and the other tests were negative. I was confused and email Kathy and Dr. C. First, and foremost we were assured that our son has PANDAS. They don't necessarily "expect" the other ones to be elevated in PANDAS. They would expect them to be elevated in Sydemham's Chorea. The CaM activation is the "kicker" with PANDAS. She will give you a very good reply if you email her. Hope this helps. Dawn -
IMHO, the foundation is steered and fixed on Mass General and the beliefs of Dr. Geller, an endorser of her book (front jacket). Is there a drug company that makes Augmentin involved?(not just using a generic). I am also concerned about her emphasis on only OCD. Her son's experience isn't the only way PANDAS presents. Don't we all know this. I may be a little harsh in saying, follow the money. Oh, I think we would be welcome at the table, but as far as getting her steered in a more accurate direction--I doubt it. I would have thought if she was propagating misinformation (e.g., low titers) Dr. Geller or some other doc she dealt with would have corrected her --if they believed it to not be accurate.. If "we" were to want to help Cunningham or others Ithink we would be better to start our own--for research from a different angle. Again, just MHO.
Ditto to Peglem's response. We now believe our issues started before the age of 2. Nobody knew much better 9 years ago. We always said that something was "different" but no one could put a finger on it. "More consistent parenting" was the initial bunny trail we went down. My favorite line from a nursery rhyme that has been my son. and sounds like your son: "And when he was good he was very, very good. And when he was bad he was horrid!!" I'm with Peglem. I think the benefit outweighs the risk. I also remember saying: "Terrible two's??!! Ha, the four's were 2x2!!" Did Dr. C make any comment about the relationship of age and CaM results-- if there is any. Best Wishes and prayers. Dawn
Hi all! I have never started a new topic, but here goes. There was some chatter on the Saving Sammy/foundation topic regarding the type of PANDAS onset. Perhaps when Dr. K and the other docs meet in January the notion that PANDAS can only be rapid onset can be laid to rest and a more refined diagnostic criteria can begin to be brought forward. It was 9 years of alphabet diagnoses and dancing around the real problem before our 10 1/2 yo. Dr. K says there is a subset of PANDAS kids get this very early on and it is missed because the symptoms are mistaken for something else. Curious...does the PANDAsnetwork recognize that it isn't just rapid onset? It should if it doesn't. I know there are many kids that didn't have rapid onsets. Dawn
My girls did not have rapid onset until they got vag. strep at the beginning of this year. Otherwise, they have waxed and waned their whole lives with strange behavior but since it started so young, you could not tell that it was sudden since they were changing so quickly with early development. It will be interesting to see how the doctors who have been dealing with this for years and have learned so much, who we all are now learning from become involved. Hopefully the new media coverage will just bring it all into the forefront and help us all. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed.... s Maybe after Dr. K and the other docs meet this January the notion that PANDAS is only rapid onset can start to be laid to rest. No rapid onset here. Nine years of waxing and waning and alphabet dxes and . Dr. K believes there are a subset of PANDAS kids that get it very early and the symptoms are not easily unrecognized and then mistaken for something else. I believe the actual diagnostic criteria from the manual says "rapid onset or waxing and waning of symptoms"--something like that. PANDAS is not just rapid onset.
What to expect when stop the steroid?
Iowamom replied to dabel's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
DeAnn- Hello! Your boy's response is very encouraging!! Our boy crashed after the steroid. Doc said it was too abrupt. Do you have a date for IVIG? Did you get a response from Dr. K? We are headed into our 4th week Post IVIG. We are seeing some encouraging signs. His day was awesome. Seemed so much like a 10 yo. We are seeing this more. More flexibilty, less stuck thinking. That was until he had a meltdown close to be bedtime. His meltdowns don't seem as intense, or go on as long. Dawn -
Seroquel XR was a flop for us, as was Abilify. Lexapro (SSRI) made him disinhibited--Weeeee. That was fun--Not! If there is one drug that I would give the biggest thumbs up for him, that would be Namenda. A glutamate receptor antagonist. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. Dawn
Our 10 yo son is on Risperdal 3mg/day, split as 1mg a.m and 2mg p.m. for rages and the like. It and Namenda (probably more so) have helped some. I repeat, some. Nothing else has. I gather, it needs to be 2x a day. Are you just taking it one time a day? When were were on 1mg, or 2mg it was always split a.m./p.m. Our psych cautioned us about the possibility of akathisia--the an inner feeling of needing to move. I am certain we are seeing that based on what I like to call "the wedgie wiggles"! They have given him a tiny dose of a drug to call that down. I hate it, but we are only out 3 weeks on IVIG. We can't be titrating yet, but that is Dr. K's plan once we get a good stretch of holding improvement. Our experience. Dawn Bubbasmom- I hope this ends up in the correct place in the thread! The very same reasons we are on it. Our goal is to get him off in time. IVIG with whom?? Dr. K said the older kids tend to have a bumpy road to recovering. He said younger kids tend to improve and just take off. I gather from several of the parents with older IVIG kids experience some pretty bumpy times in the initial weeks post IVIG. We have not had anything as bad as what we have had. I would say it is different. The flipping out times aren't as intense and don't last as long. Is your boy still pre-puberty? Dr. K is very optimistic even though Evan has had this a long time. Best wishes tomorrow!! smile.gif Dawn