Hello everyone,
After nearly 7 months of absolute ######, we started to see the smallest signs of improvement in our dd last week on Monday night. Per Dr. K's request, we had moved to Erythromyacin and after 4 days on that drug, we finally saw little blips of improvement. (Prior to that, we had already tried two other abx, with no change). Throughtout the rest of the week, we continued to see areas of improvement. After going down for so long, these small improvements were miraculous to us and added up to a big change! On Thurs, of last week, we had our MRI and all looked good. So, Thursday night we started our steroid burst. Throughout the weekend and until now we have continued to improve and at this point there is no denying that a big change has taken place in our child.
Whether it is the abx or the steroids, can someone tell me how this works. From what I have read on here, this seems like it is likely to be temporary? Is that true? Will we regress once we go off the steroids? (Today is our last day). How long will the steroid burst's effects last for us? Any words of wisdom you want to share? Is IVIG a forgone conclusion?
Thanks so much!