Hello and welcome, just go away,
You picked a great name! My son has snorting tics and I find them very challenging. He always gets them during allergy season, after a cold or when his nose is running. Also when he is anxious like at a piano performance or during State testing times and after swimming in chlorine. I do think upper respiratory symptoms get him going and are a major trigger. My son is 10 and isn't as bothered by his snorts as everyone around him. Its almost as if he isn't aware of them. We have started some comprehensive behavioral therapy which seems promising. His major obstacle is that he is not very motivated to lose them because they are not a problem to him. If your son is older and more motivated it might be helpful. The tourette syndrome association has a free training DVD for doctors and also will provide physican training. I just remembered insurance is a problem. There might be some studies going on. Anyway, I also wonder what causes my sons tics. Wish I could be more helpful.