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  1. I think you might be referring to glutathione proliposome. I am not familiar with that variation, but I am with plain glutathione. I have had a general deficiency and reducing and minimizing it has had a beneficial effect. I say this with the caveat that glutathione is an important part in a chain of enzymes and proteins that help your immune system, and weaknesses in the chain at various points can neutralize what otherwise is a big improvement in a particular kind of helpful substance, like glutathione. I think it's too complicated to assess this in a forum like this, but if you're willing to spend some time researching it and working with your doctor or a naturopathic counselor, you might make some real progress in feeling better. Glutathione mostly affects the balance in your gastrointesting "brain" but its wellness [or not] can drive the wellness [or not] in your main brain. I've put some papers in this forum about this topic and will try to find them and maybe bump them up. I think you should also look at Sheila Roger's new book (see ACN header threads), because there are many aids for improving your overall system.
  2. It seems to me that the meds you're taking are helping to some extent but not the underlying "driving" function for your "counting" thing. I think this is good because it isolates the counting thing, and that can be addressed with behavioral therapy. In this kind of therapy, you allow your self to do the counting or whatever things but under supervision so that you can find ways to break out of the cycle that is going on, whether it's 3 kisses, or 10 lock/unlock checks, or 5 shoelace retie cycles. The more commercial side of this therapy is called "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy" (CBT), which can be expensive, but can also help you to break these patterns and learn new ways to counteract and defeat new ones that come along from time to time. It seems to me you would be a very good candidate for this kind of therapy. If you have any other particular "cycles" that you tend to go, like the 3 or 10 kisses thing and are willing to work on a counter-active behavioral plan, maybe you could describe it and we could get some ideas as to how to head it off at the pass or nip it in the bud, so to speak, and divert your attention and routine onto some other, more constructive alternative. The main thing is to untrack these grooves in your mind that have been deepening while you've been iterating/repeating this behavior, kind of like kicking an old plastic record out of its stuck mode, where it repeats itself indefinitely unless you kind of nudge it out of its repetitive rut/track.
  3. Hi, Amy-- Sorry to hear about your flareup. I think you might be having some kind of allergic reaction, which is one of the more prevalent of side-effects of Adderall and similar kinds of meds; see http://www.drugs.com/Adderall/. To be safe, you should contact your prescribing doc right away; if you can't then maybe you should contact your regular doc to see if s/he could verify whether you're having a reaction to the new med. In any event, try to have a Happy New Year!
  4. Potassium: see http://nhnh.essortment.com/potassiumfoodh_rkyn.htm, http://www.weightlossforall.com/potassium-rich-food.htm Sulfur: see http://www.loudzen.com/canary/challenges/f...ulfurfoods.html Seeing as how it's the holidaze, you might try some eggnog + have a happy! : )
  5. I have read that carnosine can be beneficial. There's a thread on this in the Forum: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...9185entry9185
  6. See http://home.howstuffworks.com/vitamin-b2.htm for a table of B vitamins overall. For B6, I've seen various recommendations. - The USDA RDA is 2 mg/da. See also http://www.hoptechno.com/book29d.htm. BTW: supplements might not help replace what you can get through regular food sources, esp. green veggies. - One website http://www.lef.org/protocols/prtcl-126a.shtml says: "Vitamin B6 is required for almost all metabolic processes involving amino acids, including the decarboxylation of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) formed from L-tryptophan (TRP).14 All three of these substances are available as separate supplements. A suggested daily dosage of vitamin B6 is from 10 to 100 mg, larger doses are preferred when chronic stress is present. " - I've seen others that say up to 500 mg, especially during very stressful periods. - Personally, I have been taking 20 mg/da, but that's along with several B vitamins, and I don't know whether the B6 is doing anything in particular, good or bad, but the overall set does, mostly because when I lapse, I feel I need to restart. I also take 5HTP, and that helps. Maybe if you take 10-20 mg/da for a while you can tell whether that helps, but I would tend to doubt that. My experience is that an overall balance of all vitamins, minerals and even related precursors like 5HTP is needed, but unfortunately, it's a trial and error process, and you should make sure that there aren't any interactions with other drugs-- for example, 5HTP and SSRI's don't get along. I'm sure that anything taken to excess will have some kind of undesirable side effects, but I know that that's not much of a help, except to reinforce using caution.
  7. PANDAS is a relatively "new" diagnostic category, so there is not as much literature as other related disorders. For starters, see: http://www.childadvocate.net/PANDAS_treatment.htm "Introduction: There has been a subset of young children who have been noted to abruptly develop Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and/or tic disorders, such as Tourette’s Disorder, in association to a recently documented Group A Beta-hemolytic Streptococcal (GABHS) infection. It was found that these children have a condition termed Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS), which has unique criteria and characteristics differentiating it from classic childhood OCD or tic disorders. PANDAS as a separate identity: The working criteria for the diagnosis of PANDAS was modified through a study which identified the first 50 cases of PANDAS: “Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections: Clinical Description of the First 50 Cases” by Susan E. Swedo et al Am J Psychiatry 155:2, Feb 1998. The five criteria established are as follows: 1. Presence of OCD and/or tic disorder – the patient must meet lifetime diagnostic criteria (DSM V) for OCD or tic disorder 2. Pediatric onset – symptoms first evident between ages 3 and beginning of puberty 3. Episodic course of symptom severity – clinical course consists of abrupt onset psychiatric symptoms or dramatic symptom exacerbation 4. Association with GABHS infection – lifetime pattern of symptom exacerbation must be temporally related to GABHS infection (diagnosed via throat culture or rise in antibody titers) 5. Association with neurological abnormalities – abnormal neurological exam (i.e. – choreiform movements or tics) during exacerbation "
  8. I also posted this in ADHD but it has general applicability. --------------- The Other Brain, the One With Butterflies, Also Deals With Many Woes NY Times - By HARRIET BROWN Published: August 23, 2005 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/health/articl...75BC0A9639C8B63 ---------------
  9. I also posted this in ADHD, but it has general applicability. ----------------- The Other Brain, the One With Butterflies, Also Deals With Many Woes NY Times - By HARRIET BROWN Published: August 23, 2005 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/health/articl...75BC0A9639C8B63 -----------------
  10. The Other Brain, the One With Butterflies, Also Deals With Many Woes NY Times - By HARRIET BROWN Published: August 23, 2005 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/health/articl...75BC0A9639C8B63 NOTE: This is not specifically related to ADHD, ASD, OCD, TS, but has general applicability.
  11. Re Glutamag: Here's some results from a web search: * Positive result: http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/showthread.php?t=68499 * Looks like same person posting: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1117 * Same here, too (different name, same post content; hmmm....) http://forums.bellaonline.com/showflat.php...=0#Post22790911 * Looks like a weight-loss alternative: http://www.enzyme-weight-loss.com/why.htm A number of other in various foreign languages. No FDA approval info, tho. Ehhhhhhh, what's up doc? : (
  12. Several months ago, I saw an ad for "Glutamag" and inquired about, but it hadn't been approved by the FDA. I just got an update: "the FDA has finally approved sales of Glutamag in the USA and we are happy to inform you that you can now order Glutamag from our distributor in New York. You can either buy Glutamag by going to: http://www.wbuytv.com/product/health/glutamag.htm or by calling WBUY Television's order line, toll free on: 1-800-643-9289" Do you know anything about this particular compound or can you/somebody comment on it generically? The following is a quote from the URL: "Glutamag™ is a life changing product by Natucor that consists of natural nutrients, essential to assist the human body in its natural functions. The three main ingredients of Glutamag™ are: L-Glutamine, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) and Magnesium which we will tell you more about now. L-Glutamine and Pyridoxine is naturally transformed by the body to provide Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) which provides energy to the body and promotes healthy bodily functions. While Magnesium plays an important role in various other ways in the body it also helps the body to utilize the Pyridoxine in Glutamag™. Glutamag™ has also proven very effective in people suffering from ADHD and ADD, when used as a dietary supplement. Now you might want to ask yourself, "how is this information relevant to me?", "are there things I could accomplish if I had better health and more energy?", "how would my life be better if I enjoyed the benefits of Glutamag™?", "Would I look and act differently?" or "What would my friends and family think of the new me?" Well here is how Glutamag™ works: L-Glutamine is an amino acid (a protein building block) which is important along with glucose in supplying the brain with energy. Scientific studies have shown that glutamine supplementation can minimize the breakdown of muscle tissue and improve protein metabolism. It has also been used to increase mental alertness, to nutritionally boost the nervous system, and to treat depression and fatigue. L-Glutamine has proven very effective in people suffering from arthritis, fibrosis, connective tissue disease, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, impotence and HIV. People suffering from alcohol abuse withdrawal as well as quitting smokers have benefited from this supplement. GABA on the other hand also has a great number of positive effects on the nervous system. It is actually classified as a neurotransmitter, which means it helps nerve impulses cross the synapses (gaps) and provide improved neuron transmission. For this reason, people suffering from depression, ADD and ADHD has seen remarkable improvements in their conditions after using Glutamag™. GABA also serves as a stimulant in the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is nature’s anti-aging agent and plays an important role in sustaining the body’s youthfulness. Now that you know what the combined effects of these nutrients in Glutamag™ are, here is how using Glutamag™ can change your life: Reduces Anxiety, Frustration and Stress and promotes an overall feeling of well-being Improves Neurological functions in the body and eradicate toxins from the brain Improves Concentration Ability especially in people suffering from ADD or ADHD Promotes Relaxation and Sleep Combats aging through stimulating production of HGH Is a Natural Anti-Depressant Improves Memory Capability Builds Muscle and Decreases Body Fat Stabilizes Blood Pressure Combats Chronic Pain Alleviates mood-swings and reduces PMS symptoms Diminishes tobacco cravings in Smokers Strengthen nails and hair Decreases the craving for Sweets and Sugar "
  13. --From TAAP (The Autism Autoimmunity Project) newsletter ______________ From F. Edward Yazbak, MD (TLAutStudy@aol.com) Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association. May 2005 Autistic enterocolitis: confirmation of a new inflammatory bowel disease in an Italian cohort of patients. Federico Balzola, Clauser Daniela*, Alessandro Repici, Valeria Barbon, Anna Sapino***, Cristiana Barbera**, Pier Luigi Calvo**, Marina Gandione*, Roberto Rigardetto*, Mario Rizzetto. Dept of Gastroenterology. University of Turin. Molinette Hospital Turin, Italy *Dept of Neuropsychiatry for Children. University of Turin Regina Margherita Pediatric Hospital, Turin, Italy ** Dept of Pediatric Gastroenterology. University of Turin Regina Margherita Pediatric Hospital, Turin, Italy *** Dept of Biomedical Science and Human Oncology University of Turin Introduction Although the causes of autism are largely unknown, this long-life developmental disorder is now recognised to affect as many as 1 to 500 children. An upper and lower intestinal disease has been recently described in these patients (pts) in spite of gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported by the parents back more many years. This disorder comprising ileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia (LNH) and chronic inflammatory colonic disease was called autistic enterocolitis: an association between autism and bowel disease was then proposed. Patients and Methods Nine consecutive male pts (mean age 18 years, range 7-30 years) with a diagnosis of autism according to ICD-10 criteria that showed chronic intestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea) were enrolled. After routinely blood and stool tests, gastroscopy and colonoscopy with multiple biopsies were performed under sedation. A wireless enteroscopy capsule was also performed in 3 adult pts. Results Anemia and fecal blood positive test were found in 2 pts and 3 pts, respectively. Gastroscopy revealed mucosal gastritis in 4 pts, esophagitis in 1 and duodenitis in 1 pts. Histological findings showed a chronic inflammation of the stomach and duodenum in 6 pts (65%) but inconsistent with celiac disease. Macroscopic mucosal abnormalities (aphtoid ulcerations and loss of vascular pattern) were found in 1 pts at colonoscopy and a LNH in the terminal ileum in 4 pts. Microscopic colitis with intraepithelial lymphocytes and eosinophils infiltrations, mucosal atrophy and follicular hyperplasia was histologically present in all the pts (100%) whereas a chronic inflammation with iperemia and villous shortening of the terminal ileum was shown in 6 (65%) pts. The wireless capsule revealed areas of bleeding or patchy erythema, mucosal erosions and ulcers in both jejunum and ileum in 1 patients whereas a particular chronic jejunum and ileal erosive pattern was evident in the other two. Conclusions These preliminary data are strongly consistent with previous descriptions of autistic enterocolitis and supported a not-coincidental occurrence. Moreover, they showed for the first time a small intestinal involvement, suggesting a panenteric localisation of this new IBD. The treatment to gain clinical remission has still to be tried and it will be extremely important to ameliorate the quality of life of such pts who are likely to be overlooked because of their long-life problems in the communication of symptoms. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 100 (4) Pg 979 - April 2005 Panenteric IBD-Like Disease in a Patient with Regressive Autism Shown for the First Time by the Wireless Capsule Enteroscopy: Another Piece in the Jigsaw of this Gut-Brain Syndrome? Federico Balzola, M.D. Valeria Barbon, M.D. Alessandro Repici, M.D. Mario Rizzetto, M.D. Daniela Clauser, M.D. Marina Gandione, M.D. Anna Sapino, M.D. TO THE EDITOR: Although the causes of autism are largely unknown, this life-long developmental disorder is now showing a strong increase of prevalence (1/500). Intestinal disease was first described in 1998 in these patients (1) although there have been indications of impaired gastrointestinal function in the past (2). This disorder, comprising ileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia and chronic inflammatory colonic disease, was called autistic enterocolitis; an association between autism and bowel disease was then proposed (3). More recently, a novel form of focal gastritis has also been described in these patients (4). A 28-yr-old male with regressive autism recently came to our attention with unexplained microcytic anemia requiring intravenous iron supplementation. Severe constipation with bloating and abdomen distension and symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux were reported by parents. Gastroscopy under general anesthesia revealed hemorrhagic gastritis with inflammatory pseudopolyps that reached the pylorum with a "pearl necklace" appearance. The biopsies in the stomach and duodenum confirmed the chronic active inflammation whereas those in the second part of the duodenum were inconsistent with celiac disease. The whole colon and the terminal ileum were macroscopically normal at colonoscopy, whereas random biopsies showed a chronic severe active mucosal inflammation (intraepithelial lymphocytes and eosinophyls infiltrations and villous focal atrophy with reactive lymphoid nodular with intraepithelial CD3 and mucosal CD8), compatible with active IBD. The wireless enteroscopy capsule (GIVEN® Imaging Diagnostic System), revealed areas of patchy erythema, mucosal erosions, and ulcers in both jejunum and ileum . A panenteric IBD-like disease, consistent with previous descriptions of autistic enterocolitis, was finally diagnosed. The patient is currently receiving immunosuppressive agents with clinical improvement in both gastrointestinal and behavioral symptoms. To our knowledge, these are the first images of small intestinal disease in autism beyond the limits of the duodenum and terminal ileum. They demonstrate the potential for involvement of the entire bowel in this inflammatory disease. We think that the published data together with our findings are more than a simple coincidence. The response to treatment in this patient had positive effects on his behavior, suggesting that inflammatory involvement of the entire bowel undoubtedly worsens the quality of life of such patients who are likely to be overlooked because of their life-long problems in the communication of symptoms. =========================================== DEFINITION * TREATMENT * PREVENTION Autism is 1 in 150 children today, 1 in 68 families! TAAP (The Autism Autoimmunity Project) is a non-profit charity dedicated to obtaining funding for independent research into the cause, treatment and prevention of autism and other autoimmune disorders. Please learn from our mistake and "Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate!" For more information visit our website at www.TAAP.info and "TAAP into the Truth!" ____________<end>
  14. ad_ccl -- There is a condition called "ocular migraine" (I have it! : ( that sounds very similar. There are numerous references on the web by that name. They are sometimes called "ocular auras". For a graphic you can ask your son about, see http://www.eyeguys.net/ocularmigraine.html. Headache is not necessarily associated with it. It can "wax and wane". Francois -- "Floaters" (I have these, too! : ( do not necessarily go away, get worse or turn into glaucoma or cataracts; they are fairly common. So far the most damage they have caused is that I have hit my fingers on somethings while swatting what I thought were flies or gnats! I don't mean to understate the possible medical significance, just note that they can be and apparently usually are fairly benign. I don't know that either of these conditions has anything to do with TS or diabetes, although I have heard several opinions associating ocular migraine with TS.
  15. Dizziness and drowsiness are listed as known side-effects of Strattera and Zoloft, and discontinuation of use is recommended if either is a persistent problem. Increased concentration of norepineprhine can cause these side-effects, also hormonal (esp. if peri-menopausal), allergic reactions (auto-immune), and neural (fight-or-flight). I had these in various ways with various meds and have found that Wellbutrin XL was the best of the lot. It is a relatively mild antidepressant and has stimulant effects but is not a stimulant. But it's a med, and I think none is best if you can find a way to do that. The info in various threads here have helped alot to enable that. So I'd urge you to look at other threads that deal with natural and holistic alternatives. Problems with diet and nutrition or poisons that can build up in your body are going to continue (if you have them) whether you are taking meds and irrespective of which meds. So, a side-benefit of a more natural approach is that you might be able to get rid of dependence and side-effects of meds and also improve your health. Or at least minimize the meds and maximize natural alternatives. This is win-win, right? I'm not symptom-free so to speak but feel it's the best course. Good luck!
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