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    Raising awareness & supporting PANDAS research

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  1. We're monitoring them weekly. Her WBC are hovering below normal range and her ANC just bumped up (barely) into the normal range this week. Woot! She still has a way to go; but, I'm thankful for progress!
  2. There are multiple possibilities in her case, as are being mentioned here... I think we are likely to wind up at Hematology to evaluate, if they don't improve as we monitor them. Her numbers are below normal... not quite severe; but, moderately low, Hopey. Thanks for the input!
  3. Has anyone seen significantly dropping WBC & Neutrophil counts (neutropenia) in their PANDAS child? If so, were docs able to determine the cause?
  4. Bicillin shots! Thx for reminding me...at Peds now & will discuss. How often & for how long on those too clear strep when lyme is involved?
  5. Thx... Cliinda & Rifampin had been our 'go to' protocol before Lyme hit the scene... didn't work during the fall. I'll discuss trying that again with Ped today, now that we know about Lyme & it's being treated. Tonsils were removed in August 2009... a few months after first severe exacerbation... or was it the second? Sorry, kind of tired. Thx for your input!
  6. Deleted duplicate.
  7. DD13 recently diagnosed with Lyme. She's been positive for strep since around September. We've been fighting it all along; but, having trouble clearing the Strep, which I assume is due to the Lyme involvement, since they bind, making it harder to clear. I strongly suspect she still has strep... snoring loudly during the night & elevated PANDAS symptoms. Should have recently drawn strep titers soon. In the meantime, I'd appreciate input on how people are SUCCESSFULLY clearing it, when both Lyme & Strep are involved... as well as an immune deficiency. She has IVIG monthly for the immune deficiency and is being treated for the Lyme. It's the Strep I'm not sure how to address when Lyme is involved, since our prior effective protocols are not clearing it now. Help! We see her Ped this morning and he often asks me about that.... I posted in the PANDAS group, too. TIA for any input! Edited to add: Just saw her labs. Anti-DNase B is not back yet; but ASO is and it's elevated... surprise, surprise. Sigh...
  8. DD13 recently diagnosed with Lyme. She's been positive for strep since around September. We've been fighting it all along; but, having trouble clearing the Strep, which I assume is due to the Lyme involvement, since they bind, making it harder to clear. I strongly suspect she still has strep... snoring loudly during the night & elevated PANDAS symptoms. Should have recently drawn strep titers soon. In the meantime, I'd appreciate input on how people are SUCCESSFULLY clearing it, when both Lyme & Strep are involved... as well as an immune deficiency. She has IVIG monthly for the immune deficiency and is being treated for the Lyme. It's the Strep I'm not sure how to address when Lyme is involved, since our prior effective protocols are not clearing it now. Help! We see her Ped this morning and he often asks me about that.... I'll post in the Lyme group, too. TIA for any input! P.S. Edited to add: Just saw her labs. Anti-DNase B is not back yet; but ASO is and it's elevated... surprise, surprise. Sigh...
  9. Reposting Bulldog24's post here: Hi everyone.Hopefully you have heard by now that there is a protest being held for the next 3 days at BCH!!!! There is a child in the hospital that has PANDAS/PANS/LYME and custody has been taken away from her parents for no good reason. We are protesting for her and ALL PANDAS/PANS/Lyme kids that have been mistreated and not treated and we hope this will start to change things in this area! please like this page https://www.facebook...eeelizabethwray and read more. We think this is a day of change and could help all of our kids! I personally brought my son here and was told "absolutely not PANDAS" and "stay off the internet" and he was diagnosed at the NIH 3 months later. So this could have been us just as easily as this family. Please share tweet contact everyone you know about whats going on here. Today is the day to push this out there. All are welcome to attend the protest and details are on the page I gave. Thanks so much!
  10. Thanks Mama2Alex. No, he's not telling me otherwise. He was eager to treat for Lyme. I read it on the web somewhere about this specific tick. Does Doxycycline not cover Bartonella, Babesia or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? I understand it does cover Ehrlichiosis, based on what another doc told me over a year ago during a discussion we had about tick borne infections. Our Ped is willing to add abx if the Doxy does not cover everything this tick carries. I just need info on what else we might need to add. I called an LLMD, who I'd like to ask, but he is out of the office the next few days. TIA for any input.
  11. Adult Female Lone Star Tick I'm not sure if this photo will post, but do you recognize her? I hope not. She's a female Lone Star tick and she was on my PANDAS child on Sunday. We're treating with Doxy for a few weeks, just to be on the safe side. In the meantime, I need some info. This tick carries a disease known as S.T.A.R.I., which stands for Southern Tick Associated Rash Infection and it can produce a bulls-eye rash as well as symptoms consistent with Lyme Disease. Does anyone know what antibiotics are effective against S.T.A.R.I., or if any are needed in addition to the Doxycycline? Thanks in advance!
  12. I'm a little in shock. I completely missed this thread. I had a horrible run with Dysautonomia about 2 years before my daughter was diagnosed with PANDAS. My blood pressures were 60's/40's prone and I had to take meds to get them up to a level where I could work myself back to stable health. Thankfully, I am off those now, but I do have to drink Elete water daily. I need some time to read more and absorb this information...
  13. I'll also be interested to know how your appointment goes, Jennie. Kim, I'm uncertain where you are located, but I know the medical center where amyjoy is, is managing PANDAS with a holistic, integrative approach... being on the east coast, we're too far.
  14. Thanks Fighting Mom... I've been reading his site, forwarded to our Ped and I am the last poster on this page: http://mthfr.net/forums/topic/mthfr-and-vaccinesimmunizations-contraindicated/ ... and I'm trying to gain access to the aimoo forum. Once I registered, it seems to have placed me in a 'can't access' folder. I validated, so might have to wait for someone to approve it. Thanks!
  15. ... and I absolutely agree about checking on the clinical trial at NIMH! Here's the link: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01281969
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